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3 yr old (4th Child) Won't Potty Train
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on Oct 30, 2014 (Read 108427 times | Comments: 49)
So my 4th child who just turned 3 years old will not potty train. She said that she loves diapers and pull-ups. We've tried everything from bribing, to sitting her on there and letting her read, to getting her excited because she's such a big girl. I have three other children who at the age of three years old wanted to be potty trained. She just isn't into it. She even has friends potty trained and it doesn't phase her that she is still wearing diapers.

on Nov 11, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

I would love to be able to try plain old underwear or complete nakedness, but we are on the go so much with work and school and errands and activities, then there's the home chores. We don't have time to clean up all the messes and she knows how to use the potty and has before but thinks it's ok to continue using diapers. She doesn't care about potty charts or treats or prizes, that we have tried so many times. It's just frustrating.

on Nov 16, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

We also used a "Potty Board" when my daughter turned 3. I made it with construction paper and drew horizontal lines across the paper. At the ends of the first few lines I wrote the word "prize." Then I skipped every two lines and wrote "prize" (hoping that by that time she would be better at potty training. I bought Minnie Mouse stickers (her favorite character) and would tell her that she gets a Minnie sticker on the board every time she goes potty. And if she fills up the whole line, I would take her to the store so she could get a prize. I also bought a couple packs of Minnie Mouse underwear and told her she has to start wearing "big girl" panties and no more diapers. (We never did pullups, by the way.) So the first day was the hardest. She had accidents all day, but I kept putting her in new panties. Day two was better, only 2 accidents. I just kept reminding her of the stickers and prizes. It seemed to work well for us.

on Nov 19, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

Don't feel bad. My son is five and just became daytime potty trained over the summer. When he has to go number two, however, it is an hour long battle of him asking for a diaper and crying every time he is told no. Sometimes he will even hold it until late at night, after a diaper is put on him because he is not nighttime trained yet, to go. Otherwise he will hold it until he can't stand it any longer and then will have to go three times over the course of an hour because he waited so long. As for peeing, I tried all the bribes and rewards too and it never stuck. We even tried apotty that sings if he went in it. It took lots of trying and leaving it alone for a bit, along with cleaning up a ton of messes from either putting underwear on him or letting him run around naked, to eventually get him to use it. Maybe her body just isn't ready. It can take a bit to learn when you have to pee and how to hold it to run to a toilet. Just be patient; it will happen eventually. Good luck!

on Nov 27, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

Don't feel bad my second son was way stubborn he was 5 when he finally started to be potty trained and school was just starting. My third is going the same way he's going on 3 with no interest in learning but my oldest was young when he did. All kids are different but it will happen soon.

on Nov 27, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

Don't feel bad my second son was way stubborn he was 5 when he finally started to be potty trained and school was just starting. My third is going the same way he's going on 3 with no interest in learning but my oldest was young when he did. All kids are different but it will happen soon.

on Dec 06, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

These days what I'm about to say others would deem as rude however, my aunt's friend had the same problem with her child wetting herself after they took her off the diapers. So, instead of frustrating herself with the issue she allowed her daughter to remain in the wet underwear for a half hour and after trying this a few times and explaining that if she purposefully wet her pants, knew it was wrong and didn't try to make it to the potty then this was the consequence she'd have to endure, her daughter discontinued wetting her pants. Obviously no one wants to sit or play in wet clothes. I'm sure people will form their own opinion on this one, may even call it abuse, but it seems like the positive outweighed the negative for the mother was not into spanking and her method worked. Asked of the daughter today if she were traumatized and she'd tell you she does not remember being potty trained. Our only child, a son was trained at 3yrs old by seeing others his age at his daycare go.

on Dec 06, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

I know some say don't rush it and honestly, by the age of 3 children should be potty trained. To see a 4 or 5 year old still needing assistant is kind of rough. Preschool age and kindergarten age children should be potty trained because it's not the teacher's job to do this nor clean up accidents all day. My mother had a friend whose son was 8yrs old and he would not wipe after a bowel movement so, his mother would do it for him. (shaking my head) The longer you allow it to go on the more the child sees how easy it is to manipulate the situation. Yeah, it's frustrating, but just like discipline you have to be the parent and guide them and stand firm otherwise, you'll find yourself holding your child's hand well into their adulthood because you allowed them to "be the parent", so to speak, and manipulate situations. Be patient, yet be firm and consistent. It's not fun wiping your child's behind when they are of age to do so themselves.

on Dec 07, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

I am having the same issue with my son. I have tried to bribe him with everything and he won't do it. I bought underwear, stickers, toys, a new potty chair and nothing works. I even let him take toys in the bathroom and still nothing at all. I don't know what to do anymore.

on Dec 08, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

Good Luck! I am in the same boat right now and it is not fun! :(

on Dec 09, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

I'm going to hold off till spring now, unless she wants too. Good luck, too!
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