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Stay at home Mom Blues
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on May 21, 2013 (Read 50581 times | Comments: 24)
I have recently been feeling under appreciated for what I do for my three children and husband. I may not "punch a clock" but perhaps I should because my job is not done until the last child is asleep and I am the first to rise every morning with coffee ready and breakfast to make, then its a roller coaster of chores and "To-do" lists all over again, seven days a week. My husband and I felt it was more important to myself to raise our kids, also with the job i did have when I was pregnant with our first child would not of helped pay anything after daycare. I'm just afraid I will have regrets later about not doing more even though my two sons are straight A students, best in citizenship and well rounded children, my daughter just turned two so I have a few more years to stay home and be the Mother she needs too. Does any other stay at Home Mom feel unappreciated, frustrated and tired of their job at times even knowing how much you love your children?

on Feb 08, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

I think we all feel this way from time to time. The important thing is to limit the amount of time we feel like this. Take some me time and enjoy a little time off each day. It may only be 20mins, but you need that You time.

on Oct 22, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

I felt this way when I was on maternity leave at work. I also lost my job and felt unappreciated in that time as well. Talking about how I felt didn't seem to get me anywhere. People with their opinions on how much of a job a stay at home mom is won't change those opinions. So I started not doing certain things, household or cooking wise to make a point and say that the baby was taking up my extra time (be cause he was!) and this made him start to pitch in a little more. The only other thing that helped (that wasn't done on purpose) was one day I just had a huge breakdown. I was completely overwhelmed and tired and while feeding my son, just started breaking down into hysterical tears. After that he started staying up later to take care of our son so I could get some unbroken sleep and be well rested for the next day. It's all about balance. Communication goes out the window for awhile.

on Jun 07, 2018 Quote  »     Reply  »

I have been a stay at home mom, but I also have been going to school during that time. I experience the unappreciation from the children and the hubs. They all take us for granted, like we are supposed to be super women and stay up late, only to get up early the next morning to make breakfast, lunches, and tackle all the daily chores that we all do. Its even harder when you are trying to accomplish any sort of self-focused goal. Its like our lives as women are supposed to stop just because we pop out some kids. Modernization is what people want, but I see a lot of women stuck in the past when it comes to the household daily comings and goings. Hang in there. Try to find something to focus on and remember that you deserve, regardless of how you feel, to pamper yourself and take some time out just for you. If not you will continue on a path of a rocket waiting to blast. Good luck.

on Jun 11, 2018 Quote  »     Reply  »

As a stay at home parent and wife I feel that way too. I feel like all the pressure is upon my shoulders. My children are getting older now and don't want to pitch in and help. My husband is a CDL driver so his schedule is crazy. When I fall behind when things get really crazy then I feel even more overwhelmed, but I stop and take a breath and realize how thankful I am to be a stay at home mom and wife. I was a working mom and that was even more overwhelming.
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