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how to potty train a 3 year old boy
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on Nov 30, 2012 (Read 13582 times | Comments: 23)
Just want to know if this is normal, he went one time, and then after that he doesnt even try. we reward with stickers, candy, toys...but he doesnt seem to want to go. Although he isnt comfortable in a dirty pullup. just dont understand little boys i guess :(

on Nov 30, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

As a mom of 4 boys... yes its normal. I dont know whats up with that.. 2 of mine did that. They would pee in the toilet, then we would say "yay" good work.. give a treat since it was te 1st time they went.. then they wouldnt go again.. for weeks!! after i finally gt my son to "re-potty" on the toilet after he did it once or twice already, he would pee in the toilet BUT not poop, ever.it took FOREVER to full potty train him! it just takes a lot of patience unfortuntely..girls seem faster & a little easier then boys from what i have seen from my nieces... still not sure whats up with boys :-/ good luck :) it'll happen for your son sooner or later..

on Dec 02, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

With my little brother, potty-training took FOREVER. The only way we could get him to use the toilet was to have him run around naked.... and when he had to go, he had no choice but to use the toilet. Hope you don't have to resort to that!!

on Jan 01, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

For some reason it seems, from my experience that its a little bit harder to potty train boys. My daughters caught on pretty quickly. Myeldest daughter was potty trained at 20 monthsand my two two year old daughter was potty trained at 18 months. They seemed to be a bit more curious. It judt seems boys tske a bit longer.

on Jan 01, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

I have two girls myself, but having worked in childcare I have to agree with other posters and say it is common for boys to be a little more difficult to train. What seemed to work for many of the boys (and girls too) was setting a kitchen timer to go off every ____ minutes and then having them try the potty.

on May 28, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

For me, I have 1 girl and 2 boys. The girl was trained at 9m, the boy 2y and the newest boy 1y. Everyone always says boys are harder but for me it was easy. I have them sit on the potty 3x a day for starting and they sit there for an hour before breakfast, lunch and dinner. They can not get up unless they use it, if after the hour, then they can get u and try later. Always leave the otty where they can see it nd constant reminders are great. "If you have to go potty make sure you go" I always threaten too lol which I don't know if you will but, "If you do not go to the potty,no candy.", "If you pee on yourself, you will get no candy and you may get a pow pow". Even tho I don't have to pow pow, I just tell them that anyway. It seemed to work. When they do potty on themselves, I get stern face and sit and talk to the on their level and say why it is important for the potty. Also bribe them with money like , "you'll get a dollar if you go potty, then we can go to the store"

on May 28, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

"you can go to the ice cream truck", I let them hear the ice cream truck and if they haven't listened, then they just see the truck pass them by, but if they have listened, they are eager to go to the truck and pick out their fave item and pay for it themselves with the money they earned. Hope this helps! M

on May 29, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

My son is 2.5 and he's peed in the potty twice...but that was months ago. Now he just wants to sit on every public toilet ever built and hop right off, or un-roll the whole roll of t.p. We try and encourage it, but he doesn't have a large vocab yet so I'm not sure if he'd get the reward system. My daughter on the other hand, was a self-starter and pretty much taught herself lol.

on Jun 03, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

I'm glad it's not just me. My son will be four in July, and has zero interest. I've tried every method, and it comes down to simply that he doesn't want to. He's hates being dirty, so I just keep pointing out that he wouldn't be stinky if he went in the potty.

on Jun 03, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

Try throwing a couple Cheerios in the toilet and tell him to aim for the Cheerios it's weird and fun but I have trained countless boys this way good luck

on Jun 03, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

Yep... boys are more difficult. not sure why. I did try the cheerio thing and it only worked when i let my son throw the cheerios in. lol
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