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  Multiple Children


Child with Adhd
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on Sep 12, 2012 (Read 10821 times | Comments: 21)
My 4.5 year old son has been disgnosed with ADHD. I have ADD myself. But his temper is out of control. He throws fits, screams, hits, spits, and talks back. He won't sit down to eat and is constantly running and jumping. When we try to get thim to sit down and do something he gets angry and yells and just refuses to even try.He has already been kicked out of 2 daycares for his behavior. I know he is only 4, but with a 2 year old, a 3 month old, 2 step-kids, and pregnant again, i just don't know how to deal with him. I've tried spanking, but that maakes it worse. Time out is out of the question, since he won't sit still. I love my son, and i just want to find ways to make it easier on him and me. Any suggestions?

on Jan 23, 2020 Quote  »     Reply  »

You will need a counselor to help you through this. When he goes to school, they may demand he gets put on meds. Please be careful with this! He may find ways to hide them & not take them. They may be very powerful and make him zombie like. It's a process that you'll have to go through to get it right. For now, try a fish aquarium and make sure he doesn't overfeed the fish! Hopefully he will sit calmly to enjoy the fish. He can start learning about caring for things. You have to take away their favorite toy, something with meaning to it. Lots of love to you. It will really test your patience! Good luck!
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