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Breastfeeding & Unsupported
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on Aug 01, 2012 (Read 2336 times | Comments: 27)
I am going for the whole exclusive breastfeeding thing for my little bundle of joy but my parents always tell me my baby would be happier with solid food already. My daught is 5 months shes almost there but my parents and their friends always have something rude to say! Whats with that?!

on Apr 21, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

I hear you. I had similar concerns and questions posed by others about my 14 month old, so I went to the expert. My pediatrician told me that breastmilk is their primary source of nutrition until they're at least a year. There are benefits to continuing for another six months at least. Supplementing with solids is a good idea to prepare for weaning and fill them up if milk doesn't do it, but it's not a necessity in that time frame. If the baby 's growing well and meeting all milestones, then have at it. When I reported this to the peanut gallery, along with the source, it effectively ended the discussion, at least when I was around.

on Apr 21, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

Everyone will always have an opinion but in actuality, delaying solids can actually be BETTER for baby, but you knew that already ;) Follow your gut mama and tell them the input isn't needed. P.S. I am nursing an almost 2 yr old now, she started solids at about 7 mos by her own choice not by others. She's perfectly normal. Your LO will be too!

on Apr 24, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

You are the parent. You should follow your gut and do what you feel is the natural thing. I feel an EBF baby is getting plenty of nutrients he or she needs from your mommy milk. I am ebf my 11 weeker right now, but do plan to give baby food at 6 months, like I have with my previous 2 boys.

on Apr 25, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

You have to do what is best for your little one! I exclusively breast fed all my children but each one started solids at a different time. One was 7 months, one 6 months and one started at 5 months. They all are different and have had varying interest in solid foods. In fact my youngest preferred nursing over solids for several months and still prefers breastmilk to real food. The pediatrician has no concerns and I don't either. I think a lot of the older generations try to push solids and rice cereal at a young age and don't always understand a parent's point of view. You know your child best! And if anyone gives you any grief then you need to tell them to keep their opinions to themselves! I know how frustrating it can be to hear. Good Luck!

on Apr 26, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

It's trite but true: every child is different. I breastfed my elder and am still breastfeeding my 16 month old. My first started solids at 6 months and was ready to go by then. I tried to introduce solids to my younger one at 6 months as well, but he actually wasn't quite ready, and didn't really get into them until he was nearly eight months old. The nice thing about breastfeeding is you don't have to worry about portioning because they will nurse on demand. It's really rough when your parents make comments. Mine were pretty good about keeping their mouths shut, but I'd still feel the vibe of disapproval now and then. Maybe you can reassure them that your pediatrician is on board with your decision. You are almost at 6 months; if you feel it's the right thing to do, then keep on. As impossible as it seems, the early phase of infant feeding goes quickly and is soon just a memory. Make the decisions that you feel are best, and you and your parents, friends, etc. will soon move on.

on Apr 29, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

I completely stand behind breatfeeding your children but I read one post that she say she is still bf at 14 that disturbing to me.

on May 29, 2019 Quote  »     Reply  »

I chose to bf had several mean comments made but its what was best for my baby... It is tough when you dont have much a support system.. Also not knowing anything about bf bc no one in your family or friends done it makes it hard... I had to join bf groups on fb to talk to mom's that were going throufh similar problems... Luckily my man supports me and wants me to continue untill our girl is ready to stop currently 15 months
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