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Breastfeeding & Unsupported
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on Aug 01, 2012 (Read 2335 times | Comments: 27)
I am going for the whole exclusive breastfeeding thing for my little bundle of joy but my parents always tell me my baby would be happier with solid food already. My daught is 5 months shes almost there but my parents and their friends always have something rude to say! Whats with that?!

on Apr 03, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

My daughter is 11 months old and she has only recently really taken to solids. I still breastfeed frequently, and ignore other's advice, tips, opinions, etc. You know your baby more than anyone, and the choices you make directly impact you and your child, not anyone else. My daughter also only has her two front bottom teeth, so I am semi-limited in what I can give her. We did not start solids until 6 months and even then it was a very small amount once per day. She eats solids much more now, but I still have to cut things up into itty-bitty pieces so that they do not become a choking hazard. I think that things used to be done so differently in earlier times-most likely due to lack of information-that people think you should introduce solids almost immediately and bombard their little immune systems. It is definitely a personal choice, and you could always say, "we have discussed our plan with our pediatrician and they support us, thank you for your concern". Good luck!

on Apr 04, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

That is definitely frustrating. I'm still breastfeeding my son as well (he's 9 1/2 months now) and we started him on solids around 6 months because he was definitely interested in eating and trying to grab my spoon or fork. Every baby is different and mommies always know what's best for our little babes.

on Apr 06, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

I have the chance to breastfeed my daughter for more than 2 and a half years, it was hard at the end, but because she sometimes "bite" me when she fall sleep nursing. 5 months is too young, and if you don't feel like giving her other food, don't do it. or at least wait until she is 6 months.

on Apr 13, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

A new study was just published that talks about how starting solid foods earlier than necessary is actually a detriment to the baby's long term development and can lead to health problems in the future. My advice (if you're askin') breastfeed that baby as long as they'll let ya!

on Apr 15, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

My pediatrician recommended mostly breast feeding for the entire first year, so that's what I'm doing with my daughter. Plus breast feeding is a huge calorie burner and supposedly keeps fertility at bay so those are extra perks (:

on Apr 15, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

My pediatrician recommended mostly breast feeding for the entire first year, so that's what I'm doing with my daughter. Plus breast feeding is a huge calorie burner and supposedly keeps fertility at bay so those are extra perks (:

on Apr 15, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

My pediatrician recommended mostly breast feeding for the entire first year, so that's what I'm doing with my daughter. Plus breast feeding is a huge calorie burner and supposedly keeps fertility at bay so those are extra perks (:

on Apr 19, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

Maybe you could show them some literature on the subject. I recommend the March of Dimes website: http://www.marchofdimes.com/baby/feeding_breastfeeding.html. And there are many others about the benefits of Breastfeeding. Some babies are content with breastmilk alone at 5 months. You are the mom and you know your baby's needs more than anyone. I know the older women in life still think the practices from the 60's and 70's should still be in place today but that's not always the case. It's hard to remind them of that sometimes without hurting feelings but you have to stand for yourself.

on Apr 19, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

Breastfeed that baby! I dont always trust man made foods as opposed to what mother nature intended! No support needed! Your doing a great job!

on Apr 19, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

Do what's best for u and her. In parenting people always seem to have a opinion but f it works for u and your child don't alter it to make someone else happy!
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