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How did you meet your other half?
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on Apr 29, 2012 (Read 30811 times | Comments: 40)
So many threads are focused on not-so-positive things that I thought, "Why don't we share some happy memories?!" Let's remember that no matter what's going on right now, we've got at least one memory that might make us smile. I met my husband in 1995 at a local fish hatchery where my Agriculture class had gone for the week. My job was to cut off fish heads after measuring them and his job was to hand me fish. Very romantic, right? We were both soaked, I was covered in fish guck.. but he had the most beautiful blue eyes I'd ever seen. At break he walked over to his big black 70's Chevy pickup and that was it for me, I was SOLD! After many a break, bump & bruise, we got married at that same fish hatchery 7 months ago in the same spot that we shared our first kiss... by the same man that scolded us for having that kiss!! <3 Make someone smile and share your story! You never know whose life you'll impact with your words. -Namaste-

on Mar 21, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

I met my better half at the grocery store. I wish i had left him there.lol

on Mar 22, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

Do not laugh! We met playing poker on Facebook. Crazy I know! He's Filipino and I'm American. We instantly hit it off. We became poker buddies that first meeting; then became Facebook friends. Eventually we video chatting on Skype. We would spend every waking hours (when we weren't working) on the computer together. He was living in the Middle East but was going home to the Philippines for vacation and invited me to come with him to meet his family. By then we had been talking for almost a year, I figured I would never truly know who he was until I met his family and understood where he grew up. He has now immigrated to America and we married a few months ago. I am blessed to have such an amazing love story no matter how unconventional it is.

on Mar 28, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

I do have to say i love hearing all these stories, they are all so romantic. Now a days people meet over facebook and such.

on Apr 09, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

My mother in law introduced us :) She was friends of our family and she said her son from South Africa was in the US and he was looking for someone to show him around while he was visiting for the next 3 months. we met, hung out, and got married 3 months later. That was 10 yrs ago in 2003. I married just after I turned 18. It was super sweet to me because he was here on vacation to see his mom and was supposed to return back to work, his friends, family, .... his life in november. Well he never made it back. he stayed with me here in the U.S.of A. only to return back to south africa in 2009.

on Apr 10, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

My husband and I met 6 years ago in the rooms of an AA meeting. Both struggling to find our way and we're lucky enough to cross each others path at the right place and at the right time. Getting sober was a wonderful step for me, and having my love go along in the journey with me made it twice as nice. Now we can enjoy the same things in life together as a family

on Apr 11, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

I met at work.

on May 12, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

I met my wonderful man in a mutual friend's tiny apartment. It was complete coincidence really. I was invited there to meet some new people after a rough few weeks. I spent the night being quite shy. Later when everyone had to leave, he invited himself on the car ride. He spent the ride getting to know me well enough that later that same week he added me on facebook. I was so stunned I never remembered that he didn't know my last name. He told me he asked our mutual friend later that night who I was and from then on, my life has been different in so many great ways.

on Apr 12, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

I met my boyfriend just walking. I had a hand full of stuff, & i bumped into him. I didnt like his first impression, as he just walked off.. But we ended up meeting once again, & we would talk & I'd give him false info until he kept on talking and talking to me. So i gave in :) i never once regretted giving into him, as we have been together for four years:)

on Oct 13, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

i met my boyfriend on yahoo chat in 2003 didnt meet him in person in 2004 dated for 2 years, broke up with him for 3 years chatted off and on for those 3 yrs got back together in 2010 still together now. we been through up and downs, sometimes he remembers all the things back in 2003 but none of them i can recall lol. He was a straight forward guy so he gets what he wants and didnt even asked me to be his girlfriend i just was it was the same when we met up again just i was his gf without asking me.

on Oct 16, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

I was volunteering for a group to welcome pilgrims and especially help the disabled. It is a famous place in my country so we meet people from all over the world but I met my husband of 25 years there because he was volunteering for one of the pilgrims' bus. My English was not very good but we became friends and pen pals. Years later I moved on my own in the US and married 2 years later and the same group was there to witness it since we married at the time their group was coming to the pilgrimage. Today, our children are also volunteers in the same group and come every year they can since they are born. I suggest to everyone looking for their soul mate to volunteer in something they care about to meet people who care about the same things. I'm also glad I thanked my grandmother who prayed for all of her children & grandchildren to find a good spouse before she passed. It's a real blessing to marry your best friend or to have a best friend when I was accepting to be by myself.
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