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To Wear or Not to Wear Heels?
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on Jan 23, 2012 (Read 7138 times | Comments: 25)
Hi. I am a fan of heels but I have always been self conscious of my heights. I am a 5'7 Latina , most Latinos I'm around are much shorter, so I tower over them. People tell me "wow, eres grande" which means "wow, you are big". It makes be feel like they are saying I'm a giant. I have been getting comments like this from all kinds of people, even non-Latinos, since I was a teen. As a result I'm super self conscious about wearing heels. My new year's resolution was to wear heels and not be self conscious,so I recently bought a pair of 5inch heels. With the heels on I'm a little under 5'10, but I still haven't worn them due to my insecurity. I have seen other tall girls wear high heels and they look great. But I'm of average weight and I worry I will look like a giant. Should I wear heels or will I look freakish?

on Feb 08, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

What?!?! This is just plain silly ;-) If you love your heels...by all means, wear them! I am 5'7" also and wear high heels all the time. So do all of my friends. Models are around 5'10" at a minimum and they wear heels...why wouldn't you? Who doesn't want to be taller? I used to have these platforms that made me 6' and I never got more attention from the fellas ;)

on Feb 26, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

I'M 5'7 as well and if 6'0 models can where them why not , heels are not for the short they are for the style, you should never feel insecure about your height , 1 thing i love about wearing heels is that i makes my legs look longer and an overall slimer look, if you love heels do what you love, im taller than all my friends and i just tell them to step there heel game up lol

on Feb 28, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

I love heels! I have always loved heels and I will always love heels. You only live once. Strut your stuff in glorious tallness. :)

on Feb 29, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

I would love to wear heels but I'm really tall I'm afraid I will look like a giant in high heels.

on Dec 15, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

Gurl, you wear those heels and you rock them! I'm about 5'11 and I LOVE wearing heels! Since I'm so tall most people are like "why wear heels, youre already a giant!" but I just look at it like this: all my life I've been over average height and throughout most of my childhood I was bullied for being too tall. In middle school when I would walk into a class where most people didnt know who I was, some kids my age would mistake me for a teacher or parent. So now I like to think of it as why be depressed about how tall i am when most models are super tall and thats what I always think of when someone comments negatively on my height!XP So, wear those heels and be proud! Strut your stuff just like a model would! Everyone else is just jealous that you can reach the top shelf and they cant!
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