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Gluten Free
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on Jan 01, 2012 (Read 18098 times | Comments: 32)
I Typed in Gluten Free in Recipes, and saw a Bulgar Burger, Bulgar is wheat, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bulgur I have Celiac Disease and am always up for raising awareness...Wheat Free is a scary thing for us with Gluten intolerance, as Gluten is in many things, including Wheat, Barley, Rye, Oats (and hidden in many foods labeled as "modified food starch"...Thanks for Reading and Raising Awareness!!

on Jan 24, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

First of all - emphasize to her how LUCKY she is to be finding out now. They make such yummy GF foods now. My Mom started about 12 years ago and it was like straw & cardboard. She in her own kitchen created food that was good with a ton of trial & error. No need for that now :) Good news for your daughter. When starting out, my advice would be to not try to "replace" anything. I would start eating foods that are naturally GF. Lots of meats, cheeses, fruits & veg. Clearing the palate of the need for wheat, but not comparing new GF products to old favorites. That is a lot to bite off - during this time she will be changing shopping habits. Continued...

on Jan 24, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

Next I would slowly start trying replacement foods. Tinkyada is the BEST GF pasta on the market - you can hardly tell the diff. - forget the rest of the GF pasta. UDI's is good pre-made, loaf bread. Good for sandwiches & toast. Sold in the freezer section. Chebe is a naturally GF bread eaten in Brazil - they eat it because they love it , not as a specialty diet thing. It's good. Best pizza crust ever - nice and chewy - yummo. Good for bread sticks too. They make cinnamon Chebe too - great for cinnamon rolls & toast dipping strips :) Betty Crocker makes desert box mixes that are good. The vanilla cake needs work, but if you add to it- like banana cake or soak it with lemon syrup - something like that, it's good. Keep in mind - most all brownie mixes & chocolate chip cookie mixes are really good - they're easy. Continued...

on Jan 24, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

King Arthur makes a very helpful all purpose flour mix - good for breading, gravies - it includes no leavening agents so it's like real flour - use it to replace wheat flour with no funny taste. Life saver. King Arthur also makes the best chocolate cake mix - you can hardly tell it's not wheat. Bisquick makes a biscuit mix that's great to have around for pancakes, drop biscuits, etc. But 123 Gluten Free makes a really YUMMY biscuit mix - can't tell they're GF. 123 Gluten Free makes a great spice bars mix too - we love them made with pumpkin. Eco Planet makes a good hot cereal - often oatmeal has gluten because of how it's processed. This cereal is good and have a variety of grains, which is how we should eat grains. Rice & Quinoa can fill in for grains. Glutino make good wafer cookies but their cereal bars -blek. Chex makes a line of GF cereal - it must say so on the box. Malt-o-meal makes a GF cereal called fruity dino bites - rip off of Fruity Pebbles. I never buy the specifically GF

on Jan 24, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

- they're expensive and you can find reg cereals that are GF. KIX are too. Katz Gluten Free is pretty good. If you're baking, you need to double baking POWDER. It it calls for baking soda, you're going to add the amount they call for, plus the same amount of baking powder. Don't double baking soda - tastes bad. You can add gelatin & pectin to add a more chewy texture and prevent crumbling. You'll have yoo look up online how much gelatin & pectin to add and play with it to find what you like. Most things you can find at Meijer, Wal-Mart where ever. Try health foods stores. Outside of that, learn to read labels. It's not as hard as she might think. Hope that helps. Sorry for all the contunues - only allowed 1000 charaters :)

on Jan 25, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

Gluten Free on a shoestring really saved us. It was so awesome and the meals were just like regular cooking.

on Jan 25, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

I write a blog and I post gluten free recipes and doe gluten free product reviews if you are interested: http://kidsaregrown.blogspot.com/

on Jan 25, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

I just did a review for Udi's and sampled their products and site. You'll love it! just chiming in! But, Dawn should check it out if she has time or anyone needing more gf info. ;)

on Jan 26, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

Thanks for the websites! Easier recipes are always welcome, gluten free shouldn't be so much work. I don't have to go gluten free, but I prefer to when I can. I feel much stronger and healthier when I do.

on Feb 01, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

Gluten -Free is a challenge. Start as others have stated with the medical society that is dedicated to this disease. Chex Cereal, and alot of the General Mills Cereals are gluten free. The best place to lcoate Gluten free is a healthy grocery store: whole foods, sunflower, Fresh Market, and Publix has a small aisle in each store and a Green Market in Palm Beach FL. Telephone your local Hospital and arrange for an Appt. with a Nutritionist to discuss her options. And most insurances should cover the visit. Keep us posted on your progress!

on Feb 01, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

I have just started a gluten free diet, and I find it amazing that they put so many unhealthy things in the "healthy" foods! Like GMO ingredients (soy) and sugar, and other things that I am trying to avoid as well! I am totally addicted to the diamond almond crackers made with rice flour . . . and they just came out with chips, but I cannot find them yet. For spice blends without soy or gluten, try some gourmet spice sites that are online. I must have taco seasoning for ground turkey, it is soooooo good that way with extra onions and red peppers!
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