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Gluten Free
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on Jan 01, 2012 (Read 18040 times | Comments: 32)
I Typed in Gluten Free in Recipes, and saw a Bulgar Burger, Bulgar is wheat, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bulgur I have Celiac Disease and am always up for raising awareness...Wheat Free is a scary thing for us with Gluten intolerance, as Gluten is in many things, including Wheat, Barley, Rye, Oats (and hidden in many foods labeled as "modified food starch"...Thanks for Reading and Raising Awareness!!

on Jan 03, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

Thanks, dawnw007. My daughter has to go gluten free and is trying to educate herself about those "hidden" gluten ingredients in products. Any advice? She made tacos and found out the taco seasoning had gluten, bought lunchmeat at the deli counter and later found out some lunchmeats have gluten etc. This is so hard! We would appreciate any advice anyone has out there for us!

on Jan 19, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

Have you checked out the gluten free blogs out there? Gluten Free Cooking School, Gluten Free Girl and the Chef, Lisa Cooks Allergen Free, Gluten Free Mommy, Elana's Pantry, Gluten-Free Goddess are a few I use... found a fantastic flatbread to make that takes about 10 mins of your time to make and even my mother likes it. It's hard to find a gluten free bread on the market even though Udi's is decent, I find the breads you make are better. Also I highly recommend getting the books from Triump Dining, they have a grocery shopping guide that they update every year which tells you major brands that are gluten free. The hard part is being able to buy regular groceries that are naturally gluten free if gluten free isn't written right on the box, but you'd be surprised,t here are a lot of them. My saddest was reading that Rice Krispies weren't gluten free. I highly recommend getting one of their books. Most "premade" seasonings and sauces have gluten in it as it used as a thickening agent

on Jan 19, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

check out my recipes I write recipes to help people with allergies find food they love. http://junkfoodkids.com

on Jan 20, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

If you go to the celiac.org sight they have a lot of information too. Also, I just found a Rice Krispies at Walmart that states it is Gluten Free on the box now.

on Jan 21, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

Hockeygem17...would you mind posting your flatbread recipe here? I would be very interested. Also, thanks for the information about your favorie blog spots to find recipes : )

on Jan 21, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

This is the blog that has my favorite flatbread recipe. I use it to actually have a decent sandwich and sometimes I just cut it up and eat hummus with it. I hope you like it as much as I do http://www.glutenfreecookingschool.com/archives/gluten-free-bread-30-minute-flatbread/

on Jan 21, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

And here is a decent gluten free stuffing for the holidays! http://glutenfreegirl.com/this-is-the-gluten-free-stuffing-we-will-be-eating/

on Jan 21, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

Recently I found a PDF called "Setting up your gluten-free kitchen" here: http://simplygluten-free.com/new-to-gluten-free/ From this sheet, I learned that Rice Dream is processed with glutens (barley)...a small enough amount that they can claim to be "gluten free", but if you need to be 100% clean, you have to stop using Rice Dream. You have to sign up, but it's well worth the info! She also does tons of giveaways, so check out the site, one of my best finds since taking this course for my kids.

on Jan 22, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

Thanks Hockygem17....for the flatbread recipe site...looks like a great place for gluten-free recipes!

on Jan 23, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

Hi Dawn Do you know about Udi's Gluten Free Community on The BlogFrog? Lot's of support, conversations and recipes for anyone living gluten free. http://udisglutenfree.com/community#/1506175/forum
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