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Cell Phones
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on Sep 28, 2011 (Read 71976 times | Comments: 35)
What do you think is the right age for a cell phone. The phone in question would have have all available restrictions, with all parental controls possible, coupled in house restrictions and terms of use.

on Oct 11, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I have three children, 15yrs, 12yrs and 6yrs, and we adapted the rule of no cell phone until you are driving. And yes, that includes a drivers permit. We homeschool but if our children were in public school, I would get them one in middle school.

on Oct 12, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

When the child starts driving so if they need something.

on Oct 12, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

My 3 girls got their phones going into middle school. I was working full time by that time and it was a great way for them to touch base with me.

on Oct 13, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I would probably wait until they are driving. I made the mistake of getting my son a cellphone at the age of 14. And now, he can't live without it. He's always on it. He once had 11000 texts in one month. But now that he is 18, as soon as the contract ends, or he gets a job....(whatever comes first) will determine if he will continue to have a cellphone. Honestly, cell phones can be a pain in the behind. And they can have their good points as well. I do have an extra cell phone so that my other children can use when they stay after school, go to a friends, or go to a game. Other wise it stays home and is not used. There is no texting on that phone. Use your discression. Are they mature enough to have one? Will they misuse it? (It can get quite expensive if they do)

on Oct 13, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

My oldest child got her phone at age 12, my youngest got hers at 9. I really believe it depends on the reasons behind the need. My youngest needed her earlier for medical reasons. Being able to get ahold of mom on the bus or where ever she happened to be that I wasn't. Now both of them have stipulations and know they can have their phone privelages taken away except for emergencies. And kids will be kids they do push it from time to time. But all in all they are good kids and know the rules.

on Oct 13, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I got one for my son when he was in 6th grade. I don't have a home phone and he was staying home alone a little here and there. I wanted him to be able to have access to a phone in case of an emergency. I blocked text messages because the phone wasn't intended for that use. He is now a freshman and on his dad's plan. He has a smartphone with internet and texting. If he was still on my plan he wouldn't have those options.

on Oct 15, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I'd say as soon as they start going by themselves places like to friends houses and field trips and such. You never know when they might need to contact someone. My cell phone company has a family tracking service for $5 a month. I love it and would never get rid of it.

on Oct 17, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

My youngest got hers when she was in the sixth grade. My oldest when she was in the eighth grade. I think it depends on how mature/responsible your children are. My children are picked up after school by me. Sometimes if they need to stay after school it's nice so they can call me. And there are days where they might have an early dismissal that they forgot to tell me about.

on Oct 18, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

my son is 10 and I got a cell phone for him this year. He is not allowed to take it to school and I only give it to him when we are not going to be together. My reasons for getting it now was so he can get familiar with it and learn resposibilty before allowing him to have it all the tinme. He says it is my phone and I let him borrower it. I like it that way. alot of his friends houses do not have house phones and I like I can reach him at any time.

on Feb 24, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

My oldest was given his phone last year, in 6th grade. It is a basic phone, text and calls and no internet. It also has a block from anything that may add a charge to his line. The peace of mind it gives is so worth it.
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