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  School issues


ADHD and school aged children
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on Sep 17, 2011 (Read 28411 times | Comments: 43)
My daughter has just started her 1st grade year. Last year she was given the diagnosis of ADHD. They gave her medicine and have been monitoring her. Her teachers saw a significant improvement. Now that she has started the new year, she still has the same two teachers from last year, but nothing seems to work medication wise. They had changed her over the summer due to me noticing the hyper activity. She has been getting note sent home from school and she just started yett and new medicine. I have just recently started sending her to a specialist for behavior modification. Does any one have any suggestions on how I might me able to help her in school with being extremely hyper active. Or maybe someone has gone through this as well and could share their story.

on May 09, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

try dropping in unannouced in her class sometimes or go on field-trips and watch how the teachers treat other children when their parents are not with them more than likely thats how she is treated also-sadly to say it isn't always the child's fault once labeled -check out her teachers-been there

on May 10, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

My daughter went through several meds as well and we love Vyvance. Iliked that she was still very much a kid instead of a zombie. We are on 40mg and she has improved in school from being way behind to being ahead of everyone in her class. Good luck!!

on Nov 25, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

Hey Heather :-) I am mom to a 6yr old little boy who did great in Kindergarten, and then spent the first 3 weeks of 1st grade coming home with yellow frowny faces because of behavioral problems & he couldnt sit still or focus. I will also admit I was having major issues with him at home - he would have fits of rage if I told him no or he didnt get his way. I decided that before I even thought about putting him on medicine, I would 1st try modifying his diet (did a lot of research/reading regarding the effects of what our kids eat). I came across the Feingold Diet, and chose to start slow & easy by eliminating two things from what he eats: high fructose corn syrup and all dyes. Within a week I was living with a different child and he was coming home with green smileys every day! It has been almost four months and the results from eliminating those items alone have been amazing :-) Maybe a little nutritional overhaul will help your daughter reach her full potential :-)
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