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  How You're Involved in Your Communities


How do you get involved in your community?
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on Sep 12, 2011 (Read 365333 times | Comments: 97)
Many of us get involved in a myriad of ways in our local, school or online communities. How do you choose where and how to get involved?

on Sep 15, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

My Husband and I volunteering everyday for 3 to 4 hours at a Care facility.. It was at first a place where we visited my mother and it was natural to us to help out someone in need..as the day then weeks and months progressed we found ourselves staying longer.... the elderly Clients who just want hugs and a smile and someone to visit and talk to think we come to visit them... ! My mother at times gets jealous and I have to remind her that some of thease unfortunate clients never have a visitor...! It's so sad..We are all going to be there one day and the aged is forgot and we should all remember they all have a history behind those sad eyes there was a father mother sister brother who worked and built the world we live in now.. ! I wish many kids would volunteer and take time to at least adopt a grandparent maybe then they won't be so bored....It gives us more please and keeps me humble and appreciate life and forget my illness when I make someone else smile..!

on Sep 15, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I give emotional support to breast cancer survivors, and help them to navigate through the confusing medical advice they receive, work to empower them to take charge and make their own decisions, and then give them sources of information that will help them move forward during and after treatment.

on Sep 15, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

If you have a great idea for your school, community, local non profit...SHARE it!! And offer to support or lead the idea! If you don't have the time to support something, share your resources...a contact, donate items, goods, money. There are a lot of creative and different ways to get involved. Support or donate to a school's activities, kids' sports teams, local parks, help a neighbor, carpool, food bank, animal shelter, share your talents, music, knitting, sewing, tutoring...limitless ways to get involved!!

on Sep 15, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

with the pta, town meetings and friends and family

on Sep 15, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I volunteer at ECHO - Exploited Children's Help Organization. Their goal is to create awareness about child abuse, and provide services to those who have been abused.

on Sep 15, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I volunteer at ECHO - Exploited Children's Help Organization. Their goal is to create awareness about child abuse, and provide services to those who have been abused.

on Sep 15, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

i volunteer at my children's school. and believe it or not everyone from the community is around our school. I feel like i know almost everyone in our commuity by just volunettering at the school. We also have a soccer team for all our kids and meet lots of different people that way and throug Girl Scouts with my daughters. It's fun and I love being a part of the community along with my kids.

on Sep 15, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

We are involved in Church and Volunteer projects and other community activities.

on Sep 15, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I am the garden steward for the flower garden that is on the highway in our area. I am responsible for finding volunteers to help plant, weed and then maintain the area from May thru September. We put in over 1400 flowers and the community is always letting me know how great it looks and how they enjoy going past everyday and looking at the garden.

on Sep 15, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I am active in my grand daughters school.I also am very active at our church, I like to visit some of my older friends so the husband finds time to get some errands done
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