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  How You're Involved in Your Communities


How do you get involved in your community?
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on Sep 12, 2011 (Read 365473 times | Comments: 97)
Many of us get involved in a myriad of ways in our local, school or online communities. How do you choose where and how to get involved?

on Sep 14, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

Our family volunteers for our local events for the police and fire departments, but another thing that is near and dear to our hearts is the Hillsboro Shelter in Hillsboro, Oregon. There are 5 homeless families that live there due to unforseen circumstances (job loss, etc.), with babies, toddlers and older children. My daughter and I do couponing to collect items for them, since they always need diapers, feminine hygiene products, deodorant, Softscrub, etc. We are unemployed ourselves, but we live by the words of my Mom, who said "you never have to look very far to find someone worse off than yourself." If you do couponing and can help us with supplying a few items for them, I know they will really appreciate it. You can drop off any supplies at the 2 story gray-stone house near the corner of 12th and Main. They have an office right in front. Thanks so much!

on Sep 14, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I recently spent time in Katy, Tx helping fire fighters collect donations for wildfire victims. God Bless Them!!

on Sep 14, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I serve as a barista in my church's coffee bar. I have also been active in our local neighborhood in speaking out for things to be done. I also have prayer groups online for parents and wives.

on Sep 14, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I get involved through my kids school. When they have a charity or fundraiser,I try to support them as much as I can.

on Sep 14, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I volunteer at my local animal shelter. I foster kittens and help them learn and grow to and become healthy adoptable kitties.

on Sep 14, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I think the easiest way is too buy locally. Times have been tough for local business and many have closed in the past couple years. I am now seeing buildings become full again and I vow to help keep them around.

on Sep 14, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

My kids are out of school now, but during those fun-filled days, I was involved as a member of the athletic department, helped with little league and acted as secretary of the Band/orchestra. I think that the best thing I ever did for my children was to set a good example when it came to pitching in. You can't wait for someone else to step up.

on Sep 14, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I typically get involved when there is a project or event to be organized and executed and then move into leadership roles at school and neighborhood non-profit organizations. I typically enjoy the work and always learn something new. My biggest beef is when people refuse to get involved at all. I realize that not everyone is cut out for leadership roles but an healthy, vital organization needs both leaders and followers. And there is not thing wrong with supporting an an organization from the ground up.

on Sep 14, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I volunteer at a local homeless Veterans' Shelter which I took interest in because I come from a family of Marines, so it's important for me to be able to reach out to those who have reached out for our country. I also volunteer at a "living community" for people with mental illness. I began working there because I'm a Psychology minor. Lastly, I volunteer from time to time at a Great Dane rescue where I walk, feed, clean the dogs, and most importantly, make sure they're ready for a home. I took on that act of service because of my extreme love for dogs. I think service should be required in high school--it's required at my college and you wouldn't believe what a difference it has made in me. Everyone should do it! :)

on Sep 14, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I volunteer with some local educational organizations and also volunteer when I find a candidate that I truly feel can make a difference in our city. I also try to support local business and choose the small gift shop over the chain stores when searching for gifts. I bought a share in a CSA, so support local agriculture. I also helped organize a Crime Watch in my area, and recycle like crazy, while also encouraging neighbors and local businesses to recycle. Finally, when I see neighbors in need (sick or elderly or single parents), I lend a hand, whether it's shoveling the sidewalk, offering to do errands, taking in trash cans, etc. It does take a village and in these times I feel we should all connect more with our neighbors and work for common good.
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