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what do you think a 6th grader should wear?
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on Jul 13, 2011 (Read 22505 times | Comments: 56)
nothing to noticeable right? LIKE LIP GLOSS AND mascara could work?

on Dec 22, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I didnt wear makeup til high school really. I think its innappropriate to be sexualizing a kid who really cant make decisions that could be life altering. I know how much that age fights to be adults.. because I did constantly.. but I think its so important to allow them the time to be a kid.. we all grow up at some point. i dont disagree with lip balms and nail polish .. those are the dress up fun a lot of girls play through out the ages.

on Dec 30, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

Im a hair stylist so of course i believe in the freedom of expression. At that age i believe its ok to start with minor makeup lipgloss, maybe some very light eyeshadow, nai polish and a few hilites. I would say no to eyeliner and anythinhlg over the top

on Jan 01, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

I am in seventh grade and I am not allowed to wear makeup, but I love to watch makeup tutorials on youtube to see what I can do when I get older. I love to experiment with lipgloss. I have so many different colors its ridiculous.

on Jan 20, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

Clear lip gloss, maybe some eye shadow that's really neutral and light colored like sand. But please no lipstick or mascara, kids grow up toof fast these days!

on Jan 21, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

I didn't have any 'rules' on what I could wear, obviously though I didn't wear heavy eyeliner and red lips. I think its good to have a veto power. But honestly mascara and lip gloss and eyeshadow i wore tons in sixth grade. I was really into nail polish too, for me it was a way to feel good about myself and be more creative. I thought it was ridiculous that my friends were only allowed to wear clear mascara, honestly I don't think that does anything (although it is a great brow gel). What are her friends wearing? Do you think that she'll go crazy with eyeliner and gloss?

on Jan 27, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

Lipgloss (like NIVEA), eye shadow (CoverGirl), and mascara.

on Jan 27, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

I didn't have any rules, but didn't wear anything but lip gloss and nail polish until high school. My parents would share their opinions on my ridiculously colored nails, but didn't tell me not to do anything. I think it's good to have veto power, but I'm not sure I would set any specific guidelines unless they got really out of hand (or had rules at school) - I'm all about self-expression and creativity.

on Jan 29, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

I am in 6th grade and I wear BB cream, concealer, white eyeshadow for an inner corner highlight, white eyeliner, black eyeliner, lip balm, clear glitter lip gloss, a shiny powder, mascara, and blush.

on Jan 29, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

I also fill in my brows with eyeshadow and use an eyebrow gel.

on Jan 31, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

My daughter is in 6th grade. She wears lip gloss and a little mascara sometimes. She is allowed to wear natural eye shadows and fingernail polish but rarely does either.
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