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What does your partner do for YOU!?
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on Jul 02, 2011 (Read 83157 times | Comments: 47)
So, what does your partner do for you that shows love and affection. It could be something big or small, just something that you appreciate?

on Dec 04, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

You are a lucky woman! Massages only with the intention of getting some.....very sad!!

on Dec 06, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

My boyfriend inspires me to be a better person. He's filled my life with patience, understanding, motivation, support and love. I feel as if he balances me out, we make a great team. He is a person who actually enjoys working out and his attitude towards it has motivated me to work out everyday. He calls me out on my bullshit when I need it. My mom suffered from an AVM, went through surgery and is now paralyzed on her left side, you should see how he treats her, with patience love and support. I wouldn't think someone could be so nice! He doesn't say "I love you" everyday but his actions yell out, LOVE!

on Dec 31, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

Well my husband gave up the ultimate sacrifice for me. He was here in the US for vacation in 2003. Met me, fell in love, and 3 months later we got married! He never went back home to south africa! Let all his stuff there....car, friends and family, belongings, clothes etc and stayed with me. It was just him and 2 suitcases of clothes. He even asked my dad if he could marry me! Brave move considering at the time we had known eachother only 2 months and I JUST turned 18! And now he is the best husband and father ever! He plays with our kiddos A LOT and even though I'm a stay at home mom he helps with the house work, changes diapers and cooks! It's been a very rough road but I love him and he loves me and we're as happy as could be. We did finally get to go to south africa for 3 weeks in 2009 and was able to see where he grew up and he got to see his family and friends again. It was so nice...

on Jan 02, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

He will get our son up in the mornings, make sure that he is dressed, and fix breakfast for him before he leaves for school.

on Jan 25, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

My husband just a regular old fashioned guy.Who makes me feel on top of the world .We've been married for 30+ yrs .And we still act like newllyweds .I felt we set a good examble for my kids on what a good marriage is suppose to be like when my daughter hugged me one day.And said mom when I find that special someone I want our marriage to be just like you and dad's .Needless to say I cried

on Jan 25, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

He stays in his Man Cave and leaves me alone I couldn't ask for anything more!!!

on Feb 15, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

Mine helps out around the house. He used to think that working and providing showed he loves his family, until I pointed out that it doesn't from a woman's perspective. He takes out the trash so I don't have to, go to the laundromat to wash clothes (we fold as a family), and he's willing to help out with any chores I ask for assistance with. If I have a migraine, he'll offer to go get something for dinner (he's banned from cooking lol), get me something to help ease the pain, take care of the kids, and does what he can. In addition, after 10 years, he's still as affectionate towards me, and I him, as he was when we met. We constantly touch, he plays with my hair, cuddles, etc. He even makes sure wee don't argue--if we don't see eye-to-eye (which is rare), we discuss it and meet in the middle since neither of us want to hurt the other.

on Feb 19, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

My husband does everything for me. Not in the push-over type of way, but in the I love and care about you type of way. I am not a morning person, so in the morning he let's me sleep in, puts the dishes away, cooks breakfast and packs lunches and tends to the kids. I have a bad habit of stressing over things, so he has a great ability to put my mind at ease. My husband encouraged me to participate in an 8 week fitness challenge at our gym, which has me at the gym 5 days a week for 2 hours after work. He always makes sure my healthy dinner is cooked and waiting for me and even does all the laundry. I feel so spoiled~ Those are just the surface Mr. Mom type of things my husband does, but he gives me so much more in our relationship and beyond. I couldn't ask for a better partner/husband/companion/love of my life/ soulmate- He means the WORLD.

on Feb 27, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

He will make dinner after work if I haven't started it yet. He will make our coffee in the morning and in the evenings. He rubs my feet when I need it, helps with laundry and other things that need to be done around the house.

on Mar 02, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

I have the most wonderful man I call my hubby! He does anything he's asked to do, he doesnt ever start arguements, he is the best daddy a mommy could ask for and in spite of having to do most of the housework I love him for trying he just doesnt have the perfectionism for cleaning that my mom instilled in me. So I do most of the household cleaning ie: vacuuming, dusting, counters, bathroom, living space (studio apt). So most of the everyday stuff I do. But he does the dishes (when they stack up) lol I have severe carpl tunnel in both my hands. . . Tend to drop and break glass with them. So he is the dishwasher (thats our little joke) =) We have an almost 4 month old son who he takes excellent care of! We usually split things about 50/50 so no one gets exhausted. But I have to say that the one thing he does that blows my mind is while im standing at the counter he will come up behind me and kiss my neck and wrap his arms around me. Nothing is better than that feeling of FOREVER love =)
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