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Why do YOU need a new hairdo?
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on Jun 22, 2011 (Read 248465 times | Comments: 110)
With life so hectic, us ladies tend to miss a few hair appointments here and there. We want to know why YOU need a hairdo? Maybe you have an event coming up or you just need a change? Speak up and share your answers!

on Jun 22, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I am not sure I understand the question, but... I usually get a new hairdo when I am bored with what I have.

on Jun 22, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I've had the same hairstyle for about 14 years. I always think to go get something new done (cut or color) but with a 2 year old and a tight budget a trip to the salon always ends up on the back burner :(

on Jun 22, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

My hair is down to my knees, sometimes it's a hassle to keep up with, want to get it cut on one hand and then on the other want to keep it long. So I guess I'm undecided.

on Jun 22, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I have not had a haircut since Thanksgiving. Now, I am 34 weeks pregnant (today!), and the "hairdo" has grown into a mop. I REEEEAAAALLLLY need a fix up before this little one comes. Oh and I could use an upper lip and eyebrow wax, and a pedicure while we're talking.

on Jun 22, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

Due to running very often, my hair is usually up in a tight messy styled bun with several ponytail holders. Whenever I'm attending a party or even a date with my husband, getting my hair done is a must. It's the one way I can reward my hair for all the stress it goes through on a daily basis.

on Jun 22, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I havent had aproper salon cut and style haircuts in 6 yrs ,incidentaly my son is almost six yrs old..hmmm love to get one though

on Jun 24, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I am one of those that "forgets" to get her hair done, I do buy a box of color occasionally when the silver (yes I don't have gray I have sparkly silver that shines in the light like tinsel *sigh*. I wanted to go short but read, much to my dismay that contrary to what my grandmother always told me short hair is NOT recommended for women of substance (fat). Now I am going to keep the length but am thinking I might like to try a permanent (not had one in so many years can't remember when other than my youngest was in a carrier (she is 22 now). SO....school is about to start back and I will be spending a good amount of time not only in class but in a classroom teaching that I need to do something with this fine but bulky head. It takes hours to dry naturally and even with the dryer like 3o minutes and I just don't have that kind of time with an 8am class. I will be looking at Sally's this weekend for a perm since no one else carries them anymore :( and a salon is a weeks groceries.

on Jun 24, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I just turned 50 -- that says it all!! Plus my hair is really thinning and I don't know what to do with it anymore.

on Jun 24, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I get my hair done with the start of a new season, or whenever I feel like treating myself to something new. I'll also get a new do for a party, a special date, or an event like a wedding.

on Jun 24, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

To feel better about myself. Sometimes life gets hectic and we forget to take care of ourselves after doing for kids, men etc. It's ok to take a 'mom' day and get spa treatment and a new hair do!
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