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What Are You Doing to Help Our Planet?
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on Jun 07, 2011 (Read 11274 times | Comments: 26)
My family has made so many changes the past couple of years. We are using reusable bags, buying much more local food, not using as much paper and water. We installed a rain barrel and now have a small garden. We also bought a car that gets great gas mileage. Do you do things like this, do you think about it, or do you just not care? I'd like to hear!

on Jun 09, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

We definitely care in our family. Now that the warmer weather is here, we've started using the solar oven more. We reduce, reuse and recycle as much as possible.

on Jun 23, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I love gardening...I just wish I was better at it! I try and buy local whenever possible but it would be better if I could get my own stuff to grow!

on Jun 23, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I try to turn off the lights whenever I can and unplug chargers when they aren't in use. It really does help your electric bill!

on Jun 24, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

Great suggestions!

on Nov 17, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

What if there was a product line out there you could switch to that was environmentally sensitive, contained most of the products you are already buying, and was better, safer and healthier for you and your family. If I knew of a product line like that, would you have some interest in taking a look at it, as long as all the prices were right in line with what you are used to paying? www.livetotalwellness.com/bethnjason

on Nov 22, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I'm trying hard to be as green conscious as possible by not purchasing items I know as not environment friendly and recycling: I try to find a second use for everything before disposing of it and in many cases succeeding- I am also learning to UP CYCLE - which is the process of converting waste materials or useless products into new materials or products of better quality or a higher environmental value. One An example of Up cycling is a company called The Pretty Do-Good , which up-cycles items into interesting pieces of jewelry! For the second, try the Magazine Ready-Made! Great Ideas!

on Nov 23, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

We are definitely doing our part. We use Cascade Action Tabs (thanks SheSpeaks) for our dishwasher and have skipped the pre-washing part. We use cold water for all laundry loads except towels and sheets. We recycle and garden (during the short growing season in our state) and try to live simply, which for us means eating most meals at home and baking our own bread (helps save gas and reduce use of plastic/styrofoam containers). We also participate in a family outdoor hiking club, which helps our son love and value the environment.

on Dec 01, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

My family has been recycling since about 1971. In those days we separated our glass into Clear, Green, and Brown containers. We also worked at the recycling center. I always wanted the job of smashing the glass so more fit in the dumpsters, but of course they never let us kids do that. Been driving a Prius since 2001. Cloth diaper user when I had little ones. I bring my own cloth bags to the store. So many things - this subject is always on my mind.

on Dec 06, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

We recycle the trash, turn off the lights, eat at home more, to help our planet.

on Dec 07, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

We recycle almost everything and have more recyclables than regular trash. We donate usable things to our area homeless shelter. We compost for our kitchen scraps and paper. We turn the water off when brushing our teeth, use fresh air over air conditioning as much as possible, keep the heat low when we can, keep lights off, walk instead of driving when we can, carpool, buy local and buy organic. We use clothe napkins instead of paper and only use reusable bags instead of plastic bags (both for the market and in lunch boxes). I've asked for a rain barrel for Christmas so I can use rainwater to water my garden, thus conserving water. Being Green is one of my passions!
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