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Long Time Couples Separating?
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on May 11, 2011 (Read 2121 times | Comments: 15)
More and more long time celebrity couples seem to be calling it quits! Arnold Schwarzenegger and Maria Shriver recently announced their separation after 25years of marriage! While time together is definitely something to be proud of - it goes to show that while time may past, feelings can change - drastically!

How do you feel about couples separating after years and years of being together? Do you think it was coming all along? Do you think celebrity couples have it harder? Or is it all just a "show"?

Check out the SheSpeaks blog on Arnold & Maria: http://www.shespeaks.com/blogdetails/142032

on May 12, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I mean, it's definitely sad. But relationships are already almost a full time job, so I can see how with being the governor, and trying to restart his movie career Arnold might not have been spending enough time with Maria, so she gets fed up and leaves.

on May 12, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

@JaneTom That's a good point! Now I"m wondering - did being governor make her leave or was it being a couple in the public's eye nudge her out?

on May 12, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I think governor probably. They started out in the public eye, I can't imagine why all of a sudden they decided to break up now.

on May 12, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I remember reading that Maria was really against Arnold running for governor so I can imagine the strain it must've put on their relationship when he went ahead & ran for office, and subsequently holding office for two terms. As someone who separated from my ex-boyfriend after being together for over 11 years I can understand how hard of a decision it is to make. The end of a relationship, depending on the circumstances behind the separation, really feels like death. I've also known many couples who work hard through all their struggles & will not accept defeat. I admire those couples. Though seeing couples separate after being together for many years is always sad to me (and strengthens my pessimism in love & relationships) I am never really shocked. Maybe I'm just a cynic & it's a result of having divorced parents but I think the end of relationships is most often inevitable.

on May 26, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I think celebritys are in the spot light, and the relationship is judged by media fans and friends. Common peoples relatioships are judged by how you act in public and thats like 10% of your life. Now a celebrity is followed and watched atleast 35% of the time so theres more judgement more rumors more scandals, and the bad things are caught more often than the good. Me and my last bf were together 3 yrs and we were judged all along and the little things that people say and comment have a lot to do with the split, like the comment you can do better is expressed a lot being in the spot light I think itz a lot of pressure to hear this. Your mind is pressured a lot by others and in spotlight you have so many comments thrown that I think that's why relationships are hard to keep in the lime light.

on Jun 18, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

All relationships take a lot of work. Being a celebrity couple and in the "spotlight" is just added pressure. The couple needs to be grounded and secure not only with each other but individually as well. Arnold and Maria put their careers and family first. Ii think that the break up while sad and heartbreaking was overdue. I hope that both of them explore their own individuality. I think that Maria is finally putting herself first for a change.

on Jun 18, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

I don't pay much attention to celeb relationships/gossip, etc, I really don't care. But yes celebs are in the spotlight, which I'm sure causes stress. I do believe that some opf it so for show though. But people do change sometimes, and if the spouse doesn't change in the same way, it can mean parting ways later on. It's just happens sometimes.

on Aug 19, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

Who cares if a celebrity couple split? Just another reason for them to be talked about. Us normal people go through alot and yes, we DONT have all the money in the world, but we still manage to get through it somehow. Celebrities feel that if no one talks about them, then they feel they gotta do something to change that. Besides they chose to be in the spotlight in the begining!

on Sep 07, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

yeah cause he cheated on her with the trashy nanny and had a kid with her.... not a big surprise to me... who would want to stay with a husband who could attempt to hide something like that? would think that the whole marriage was based on garbage because without trust, there is no relationship. good for maria for leaving his no good poor excuse for a husband!

on Sep 07, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

i can't believe you guys didn't know about that
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