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Sewing - a Great Skill!
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on Aug 31, 2010 (Read 5784 times | Comments: 41)
I learned how to sew many years ago, when I was in high school and had a girlfriend who used to show off her beautiful outfits that she made for near pennies. Consumed with interest (and jealousy), I sort of hung around as she would sew, and she was patient and considerate enough to teach me the basics. (I should mention that she went on to become a great seamstress and couturier until her too early death a few years ago.) My Mom only had an ancient knee-treadle Singer, and my Dad (who had learned to do his own repairs during the Great Depression) is the one who actually showed me how to use it. I then went on to marry, have 2 kids, have a full-time job, dog, cat, etc. etc., but I always enjoyed my sewing. It is very crreative, relaxing, and fulfilling. And let's not forget that it is very thrifty. Even if all you use your machine for is to make repairs in clothing and household items, it will save you a fortune! Patterns are very easy today, so try it, ladies!

on May 02, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

I was forced into a quilting class at a young age and began to love sewing. I prefer to sew by hand however and always come up with new ideas to create.

on Apr 19, 2018 Quote  »     Reply  »

I learned how to sew in junior high and high school many many years ago. I have always liked to sew. When we were in Okinawa I took a class to make my own patterns. I then started working and raising my children and didn't do much sewing anymore. I want to get back sewing. A friend and I want to start up a business making dog clothes. I can't wait to get started.

on Jun 26, 2018 Quote  »     Reply  »

I'm learning how to sew at the moment. My grandma passed away in February so she's not here to help me with my hobbies anymore but with her machine, Youtube and trial and error I'm learning. My grandma taught me to crochet when I was young and that is my master craft and she taught me hand embroidery as well.

on Aug 12, 2018 Quote  »     Reply  »

I can do basic sewing. I don?t believe it?s as thrifty as it used to be. By the time I?m finished buying everything including the pattern I could have bought the thing I made. Lol I would like to learn how to sew my own dresses and stuff. I try using coupons at craft stores when I buy anything to make it cost less.

on May 31, 2019 Quote  »     Reply  »

Do you know any good websites for instructions for making your own patterns or a pattern source that is more affordable than Amazon or Ebay patterns? I hand sew without a machine.

on Jun 19, 2019 Quote  »     Reply  »

I learned to sew from my grandmother when I was young. That was many , many years ago when I spend time with her. She taught me to sew from hemming to making quilts. I loved this time because sewing not only made me feel closer to my grandmother but taught me life long skills!

on Jun 26, 2019 Quote  »     Reply  »

My mom taught me some basics as a kid, but now I'm finding it so helpful to be able to use resources like YouTube and Craftsy to figure out how to sew different things.

on Jul 28, 2019 Quote  »     Reply  »

My Mother is a wonderful seamstress, I learned to sew in an unusual way, I watched my mother sew everything when I was a little kid and that is how I began to sew. What is even more interesting is my mother's mother could sew anything without a pattern, but my mother always used a pattern. However, I can use or not use a pattern and sew anything, I believe it has something to do with genetics/DNA , my grandmother past away the day I was born. I do enjoy sewing very much, it has a special meaning to me.

on Nov 19, 2019 Quote  »     Reply  »

My grandma showed me how to embordie and I learned to cross stitch in school I love doing both of them

on Feb 13, 2020 Quote  »     Reply  »

Sewing is a very useful skill, especially for those that, like me, have less common tastes, or simply don't like the trends of the moment. You don't need to conform, you can still modify or even create your own clothes. I sincerely think it's one of the most useful abilities one can have.
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