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"Reality" TV
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on Jul 27, 2010 (Read 63201 times | Comments: 34)
Today's reality tv shows have become more scripted than some regular shows. Not only are they no longer "reality" shows but they also set bad examples for children and teens who regularly watch them. Now that the shows are no longer "real" it seems like their only purpose is to spread bad behavior and create 15 minutes of fame for anyone willing to give up their dignity. What is your opinion of the reality shows of today?

on Jun 16, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

I enjoy watching some reality shows. Some are so stupid, I can't believe someone with money would put their life out there. They are good for a laugh and shows that the grass isn't greener all the time on the other side. The newest one My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding is really informative. I never knew about Gypsies and Travelers. I also have found that they are discriminated against in their country. It's been an eye opener on their livestyles and how others feel about them. Now, Toddlers and Tiaras, really, those mothers want to make money on their children. Some of them are just asking for trouble down the road if there child would become famous. Face it, Americans are just plain nosey about what others are doing. The media is loaded with stories and photos that people spend money on to get the latest gossip. Tori Spelling, who is pregnant was just in a car wreck with her 2 children because of a photographer. When will the feeding frenzy stop?

on Sep 24, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

SOME reality tv I like. Dancing With the Stars and the Biggest Loser are my favorites. Jersey Shore just makes me sick, though.

on Apr 16, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

I despise reality shows. Nobody stays married except for the Duggars. Don 't get me goin g on Snooki, Paris, etc, etc. It all started with The Real World. I miss good old tv shows like Dallas, Miami Vice, The Cosby Show, etc, etc.

on Apr 16, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

I don't care for reality tv shows. I am sick and tired of every other show being a reality show. So many good tv shows get axed after about a season because for some reason, reality shows are preferred by people. I think most reality shows are scripted. I think it's all about trying to get high ratings.

on Apr 17, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

Totally agree about it setting a bad example for our youth. But I'm 26 and find SOME just revolting! What in the world has our society come to?! You rarely see this junk on tv in foreign countries... WHY do we need it here?? :( It kind of enrages me a bit. I think it's just filthy. It clutters our minds even as adults...we shouldn't be exposed to this kind of talk and such. I've seen bits and bobs of most shows that are out there. Now some are really just entertaining and others, well I'm not sure what category to put them into.......

on Apr 18, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

I love reality tv..My favorites are Big Brother, Survivor, Amazing Race. I love all the places that they get to see on Amazing Race.

on Apr 18, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

I completely agree! I have long stopped watched these "reality" shows. My reality does not include stumbling around in a drunken stupor with my skirt hiked above my hips hooking up with some random disease waiting to happen! Nor am I a fan of the women that have nothing better to do than to belittle one another, instigate gossip amongst themselves and throw one another under the bus - these are supposedly friends? That being said, I do know some of the reality shows are not in this same league (ie Top Chef, America's Got Talent, etc.) Our children have no role models in the media.

on Apr 20, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

I watch Survivor and Big brother. I have been a fan of both shows since they debuted . I love the immunity and reward competitions of Survivor. Those are my favorite moments in the show. For all reality shows they edit them for better TV viewing. I would not watch Jersey Shore, to me that is just pure trash. But some people would say Big Brother is pure trash too, so I guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

on Jul 14, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

i know "reality shows" are scripted, but i cannot stop watching them!

on Sep 06, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

OMG, I love BB too, I even get the after dark on showtime. I never miss it, I do have to tivo the after dark but I wait all summer for this show and would love to do it.
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