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what got you started?
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on Mar 01, 2010 (Read 27563 times | Comments: 21)
I just wanted to know what got you started in Knitting Crocheting or both hobbies? I was pregnant and really sick with my daughter 2yrs ago (on bedrest) and walking through the store one day decided i wanted to learn how to Crochet i knew that my grandmother and great did but i never listened when they tried to teach me... :-( shame on me lol anyways I decided i wanted to make like a swaddle blanket for her and started it and ended up with just one big big cyrcle that i still lauph at when i look at it lol i am Due in June and working on small blocks to put all together to make a CRAZY COLOR blanket for my baby boy :-) oh i hope it comes out good for him and i hope i can accually finish it too lol

on Mar 31, 2010 Quote  »     Reply  »

I've just always been interested in crafts and sewing and knitting was something I had never tried before! I like to make gifts for friends and family rather than buy them. When I was 20 or so I made one scarf and decided I wanted to try crochet instead and I loved it! I've been crocheting for about 3 years now. I taught myself, but my grandma gave me all her old hooks and some yarn since she hasn't crocheted in years.

on Apr 14, 2010 Quote  »     Reply  »

I've been crocheting for more than 30 years (I first started when I was about 7 or 8 years old); what got me interested was I was at my mother's job, and I saw a woman teaching her how to crochet. I was very interested in what they were doing...so much, that a few days later, my mother went and bought me my first crochet hook and yarn (size J crochet hook and rug yard; the woman that was teaching my mother said that it would probably be easier for me if I had a larger hook and thicker yarn). I was going to my mother's job every week (that's when the lessons were given), and I was a fast learner. I've made many blankets and afghans; and as an adult, I've sold many blankets and afghans, with my most recent works being sold for $315 for a set. My coworkers like my work so much, that I currently have about 4 or 5 people waiting for afghans; and at this time, I'm kind of behind in my work...but they understand and they know they'll be getting it soon! :-)

on Apr 15, 2010 Quote  »     Reply  »

i first started knitting socks because i was tired of finding socks that weren't up to the certain height i like. (knee high) since i am pretty tall and after washing the socks that i bought from the mall or store, the socks will shrink and become shin level which annoyed me. so i started to knit my own socks. LOVE them. the next project that got me hooked to be a corchet'er was when my mom requested that i make a sweater for our little dog. he had one that my mum knitted but that was so old and poor thing had holes in it. so i decided to make one. he loved it very much! :)

on Aug 01, 2010 Quote  »     Reply  »

My Oma, or Grandma as you say in English, has been teaching me how to sew and cross stich since I was three. Recently she got sick and I wanted to distract her from the pain of her illness, so I got her to teach me how to knit. At first it was really hard, but I'm beginning to get the hang of it. And it really makes her happy every time I pull out my knitting needles! :)

on Sep 28, 2010 Quote  »     Reply  »

I found my mom's old crochet pamphlets and a few hooks from the seventies while cleaning out part of the basement a few years back. I struggled with it for a while, but never really got good at it nor cared much for the available patterns. Later I bought a pair of needles and taught my self to knit with a different pamphlet, and I've stuck with it ever since.

on Oct 09, 2011 Quote  »     Reply  »

My story is not very interesting but my mother's is. My mom and I don't knit like most people. We were taught to knit by a lady who was fleeing from Hungary during the battle for Budapest. She was working in Buda and she and her daughter lived in Pest where her she was going to school (6 or 7 years old). The day the bridges were bombed she had to flee the country because she worked closely with a political figure and was separated from her daughter back in Pest for like 14 years. She fled to America eventually moving to Missouri where she met my mother. My mother, at the time, was the same age as her daughter and was pregnant with my brother. She taught my mother to knit while telling her stories about her homeland. She is a very interesting lady. One time my mom asked her how she learned english when she came here. She got a book in hungarian and sat it in front of my mom and told her to read it right now...that was how she learned!! She's a very neat lady with a great story

on Jan 05, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

My mom passed away at Thanksgiving and shortly after I decided that life's too short to always be wishing you learned to do something... so, I bought some yarn and knitting needles and a book to learn. The book was total crap - but you can find how to do probably every stitch possible on YouTube or knitting sites with videos :) Crocheting is much faster though. I'm almost finished with a blanket I knitted for my daughter's AG doll.

on Jan 18, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

No one in my family knits or crochets, but I've always been into crafts. I decided to try and crochet first, but I didn't like the look of my finished products so I switched to knitting. Now I'm addicted! I wouldn't say I'm an expert but it's definitely a great way to relax and make something useful. Right now I'm working on a really cute earwarmer/headband that fastens in the back with a button. The cool thing is you can pull it down and use it as a neckwarmer as well. It's been pretty cold outside so it will definitely get used! And Carenxx, I agree crocheting is DEFINITELY quicker for me. I do turn to it every now and then...

on Jan 26, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

I started 45 years ago when my grandmother crocheted me the best mittens in the world and knitted slippers for us all. I was so taken by them that I nagged her to teach me to crochet and knit. And to this very day, I still cannot make the mittens like she did and as a left hander, I crochet and knit backwards so what should be the front side is the back, and vice versa. Pretty funny. Took me a long time to learn how to adjust patterns because of it.

on Jul 10, 2012 Quote  »     Reply  »

Alright gals here's my embarassing story! lol. I wanted to make my own Harry Potter scarf. I saw at Barnes and Nobles a book with patterns that showed you how to make one and I was like Holy Crap I want one. So I learned. But then it took off from there and I haven't stopped. I learned to crochet only 6 months ago on maternity leave my MIL taught me while she was down to visit. :)
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