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Horrible Acne!
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on May 29, 2009 (Read 556890 times | Comments: 194)
My daughter is twelve years old, almost thirteen and she has moderate acne on her t-zone. We are looking for a regimen that actually works. We have tried some Neutrogena products but it made her face really dry and flaky. We also tried Clean & Clear which we used for three months and did not help at all. Any suggestions? I am soon going to try Noxzema products but I need reviews first. Thanks!

on Jul 06, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

You can try an aspirin mask. I've been using it for about a month, it really works. It leaves your skin nice and soft. You need 3 uncoated aspirins, 1 teaspoon or 2 of water, and honey. Mix it, put it on the face, and leave it on for 15 minutes. Then just rinse and pat dry. Use a moisturizer after, i use Aveeno. Do it twice a week. Or you could use the Aveeno Clear Complexion Cream Cleanser. My acne was dry by the next day. I love Aveeno works really well. Hope that helps.

on Jul 07, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

To save you and your daughter the time, stress and scars, firsts things first GO to the dermatologist, he or she will know what is best for your daughters condition, they will deal with moderate to severe acne, and they can also help you with what to do for the issue about the dryness. I'm 16 and was dealing with this problem for 2 years and I finally went to the dermatologist who gave me prescriptions and even free samples Good luck and keep the hope P.S. I have tried clean and clear, neutrogena, and clearasil and none of it seemed to work

on Jul 07, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

Hi there..I would suggest that maybe you can take her to a spa where an esthetcian can perform a facial designed for her needs which in this case to help with the acne in her tzone. Then upon completion ask the esthetician to recommend a good non-drying skin care regimen for her. If not I would highly recommend this line called Philosphy at www.philosphy.com. There is a new product from them that is deciated solely to "acne prone skin" and it shows you step by step how treat her skin daily..it is an awesome line. Hope this helps!

on Jul 09, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

I have a teenage son that nothing would work for and with him being a boy didnt want to keep trying things....fianlly a trip to walmart and fround acne free, affordable package of the line is available there. It really worked for my son.

on Jul 09, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

please dont try Noxzema. It has an ingredient that can help your skin but if you stop using it will make your skin worse. kinda like detoxing. weird. i used proactiv with positive results but the one thing that worked the best was good eating habits and exercise. also good makeup that didnt irritate my skin. i use MAC and seems to be okay

on Jul 10, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

I also had terrible acne for years, I'm now 15 years old and am speaking from personal experience. I have tried nearly everything (Clearasil, Neutrogena, Proactiv, Acne Free), but recently I got a prescription for the medicine Benzaclin. The two active ingredients are Benzoyl Peroxide and Clindamyacin. It worked wonders for me. Not all acne is the same, but it has definitely worked for me (in only two or three days I saw that my face was clearing up dramatically). I suggest next time you visit the pediatrician with your daughter, ask about acne medication or Benzaclin. It's an application of two times a day, once in the morning and once in the evening, of one cream. Hope you find your answer!

on Jul 21, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

I to suffer from acne and sometimes there's not much you can do. I know that dial soap is good to use, but make sure it doesn't have a lot of build up on it. Another product that worked for me was ACNEFREE: for SEVERE Acne and I know when reading it ... it sounds bold, but it worked for me. You just have to keep using it. It's like a less expensive version of proactive and in my opinion works better. Also I've tried the Zapzit cream and you put it on the effected are and it did help me and it was really CHEAP. Noxzema may work for some people, but I WOULD not use it ever again on my face because it has this oily texture anyways and it made my face even more irritated and oily.

on Jul 21, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

Check out the brand Khiel's , they are sold in department stores like Nordstrom and Saks. They are not to pricey but make some amazing products for acne prone skin. Their product line for oily/acne skin is blue herbal, I have used this in the past and I found it to work great. Their Blue Herbal Spot remover, is there instant blemish gel that gets rid of the blemish overnight. It is really great stuff, you might want to look into it.

on Jul 23, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

I also had really bad acne problems, and i used proactive. For me proactive worked pretty good but u constantly have to use it at least 2 times a day. I also used Retin-A Micro. you should ask her doctor if they supply it. The only problem when using retin-a is that it drys out your skin so using a good moisteriser such as the green tea moisteriser :) i hope this helped.

on Jul 30, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

I have tried everything under the sun from OTC to prescription stuff to department store stuff. I am 36 and started having mild acne around 13 or so. I find that the Clinique brand of acne products does the trick the best of anything. Proactive was WAY too harsh for me, personally, and it dried me out more than anything I have ever used. But then it created an entirely different set of problems... too dry and red from the harsh stuff. The Clinique has a gentle but strong enough balance to work. Use the cleanser, spot gel and moisturizer. The moisturizer is fairly drying, but not as bad as the Proactive. Just be careful because this moisturizer will bleach your pillowcases at night. Currently, I use the foaming cleanser, spot gel and Biore moisturizer. My skin has never looked better!
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