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Ok gals I am in need of help from anyone who can help figure this out! please!
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on Feb 19, 2009 (Read 15708 times | Comments: 43)
hi, I have been everywhere and seen a lot of doctor's and no one can seem to help they just say it's all in my head as i continue to get worse and worse. Sometimes things are so bad i feel like i am going to pass out,my b/p goes higher and heart beats so fast i think i am going to die. The pains are so severe they knock me down and now my legs are starting too they feel like they are bruised or sunburn but they are not and my heart beats in my throat not my chest. This all started when i was 33 years old and found out i was pregnant for my last child but i am now 42 and it is worse not better they say anxiety/panic attacks but the meds did nothing except make me gain 70 pounds or more. I am lost and at my ends wits no one can help me. My symptoms included: low energy, poor stamina, sore throat, unexplained menstrual irregularity, upset stomach, abdominal pain, chest pain, rib soreness, shortness of breath, cough, heart palpitations, pulse skips, heart murmur, joint pain, joint swell

on Oct 19, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

My mother in law had most of those symptoms took years for her to find out what it was. She finally found a dr that knew what it might be. She has low magnesium.

on Oct 20, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

I would go to a naturopath if mainstream medicine hasn't helped yet. Best wishes to you!

on Oct 20, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

Tina Your symptoms sound very similar to what mine were, I went through so many diagnoses, it was in my head, I was a hypochondriac, it was depression, IBS, Chronic fatigue, Fibromyalgia , Rheumatoid arthritis and so on. Has your doctor looked into Celiac Disease? It's an autoimmune disease, the treatment is a strict life long gluten free diet. A blood test is usually the first step although some people falsely test negative, some don't have what it takes to produce the antibodies that would cause the test to be positive and some people just test negative even though they have it (that was my case) if you have a positive blood test they do an endoscopy and biopsy (very very easy) and that will give you the final diagnosis, my doctor did the biopsy even though I tested negative and thank God he did because I have it. What really sent up red flags in my head is when you said that it started during pregnancy and you have had bells palsy. Stress, trauma, sickness and pregnancy and

on Oct 20, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

continued- and childbirth can trigger the disease if you have the disease. What struck me about Bell's Palsy is that I got Bell's Palsy right before I took a major turn for the worse as did my other friend who has Celiac Disease.. Just something to think about,. If you want to talk or have questions email me at TheRetroHousewife @ G m a i l . C o m

on Oct 30, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

My sister-in-law just had similar symptoms and was diagnosed with thyroiditis -- which can start with the rapid heart beat, etc -- and then as it progresses, switches to low heartbeat, weight gain, etc. I don't know if you've had any blood work, but this should be very simple to check. Hope it helps.

on Oct 31, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

I agree with those suggesting a possible thyroid issue, you could also be low or deficient in some area, like the magnesium suggested. I was found to have Hashimoto's Thyroiditis and Osteaomalacia. My sysmptoms were a result of low thyroid and low Vit D. I now take Armour Thyroid and Vit D supplements daily. Firbromyalgia may also explain a lot of your symptoms (I have that too). And there are other auto-immune disorders and endocrinological disorders that could be the cause as well. You probably need to see a good Endocrinologist, followed by a Rheumatologist. To rule out a heart condition, they can have you wear a Holter Monitor for 24 hours. Many people with Fibromylagia have co-morbid conditions, such as Thyroiditis, so you could very well have more than 1 thing going on. If the doctors still fail to find anything, consider a teaching hospital.

on Nov 02, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

Sounds ALOT like Thyroid....I had some of those symptoms...really thought I was losing my mind!!! Turns out it was Hypothyroid...you definately need a complete work up!!! good luck and feel better!!

on Nov 03, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

Graves disease is not a hormonal condition, it is a Thyroid condition (Hyperthyroidism).

on Nov 04, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

It sounds like fibromyalgia,an autoimmune disorder that affects your nerves.I have it.Almost all your symptoms I have as well and was diagnosed with in 2005 but had symptoms starting in 2001.I started getting sharp burning,stabbing pains in my back in 2001 where i barely moved i would get this but never knew back then exactly why i was getting .I am on amitryptiline now.I suggest you go to a neurologist.i was diagnosed with myofascial pain once but my first diagnosis was fibromyalgia by a doctor that was at a free clinic.hope you get the correct diagnosis soon.

on Nov 04, 2009 Quote  »     Reply  »

Mostly I get with fibromyalgia pain(the symptoms you described)which was originally called"chronic fatigue syndrome"before they knew what fibromyalgia was.still unknown cause.i mostly get flareups when i am stressed.i get insomnia(will sleep4hr intervals if sleep at night but usually sleep days)more in fall/winter months.do you?i have bipolar disorder too,so some of my symptoms are in combination with my bipolar/fibromyalgia.i will mostly describe2you what i feel,during my flares.i get bad red bumps all over my body that are similar to pimples but swell up big,then i use(and only then)antibacterial bodywash and i found a glycerin gel to use on my body when i have bumps break out.they itch and burn and swell like a insect bite would.when they rub against clothes they will irritate me worse and i feel like i havent showered in awhile.sometimes i have to get showers twice in24hrs.i also get low sugar symptoms more easily,like i feel weak,dizzy,headache,tummyache,shakes.i eat fruit2help.
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