Best chocolate shake on the market This special shake is one of my preferred. Its taste is of a strong chocolate, and the cream make it very special.
This is good and refreshing on a hot day. I, honestly, don?t think that the white chocolate has much flavor. I prefer a regular mocha over this. If you prefer something less chocolatey and sweet, this might be the drink for you.
FAV EVER Literally, the one that I always order when I get a Starbucks drink. My favorite EVEEER.
For All Seasons Drink This! This is my go to and my absolute favorite all season long!
My favorite! Love the taste of the white chocolate and the kick of the coffee! It is the perfect marriage of flavors!
A great holiday season treat I really like this drink iced with oat milk. It is a bit pricy but I think it is worth it for an occasional treat.
Cold Weather Go-to I typically make coffee at home so I only go to cafes for specialty drinks. This is my go-to cold weather drink if I stop at Starbucks. I'm not a huge fan of chocolate drinks but this satisfies my craving. I would definitely recommend.
So yummy So delicious. This is my go-to coffee drink when I visit Starbucks. It's just so rich and chocolatey and a great pick me up anytime of the day.
Nice! I tried this flavor a while back and it was pretty good! It tasted great! I would get it again but it isn't a new favorite.
Yummy goodness I've seen some reviews saying they prefer Peet's. I too prefer Peet's but Starbucks is pretty dope! Especially this drink- I don't order for myself because too much sugar for me, but my fiancé gets it and I've tasted it. Pretty yummy!
okay I much prefer Peet's but this is not bad. They are too expensive for me though.
Refreshing This hits the spot in the morning or whenever I crave something refreshing and sweet.
White chocolate The Starbucks white chocolate mocha drink is a delicious treat, or for every day drinking. It has a rich, yummy taste. Definitely recommend.
Love this product...A real pick me up in the morning..I would highly recommend this one
My favorite Starbucks frapachino This is one of my favorite drinks from starbucks. It's the right amount of sweetness but not too sweet.