Should Kim Kardashian Take Some Advice From Lindsey Lohan and Stay In This New Year's Eve?

   By drodriguez  Dec 30, 2011

For many celebs New Year’s Eve is seen as more of a payday than a time to celebrate with friends and family. If your name is familiar enough to the masses, you could be offered a pretty penny to simply make an appearance at a club and party with fans. But there are some celebs this year who are more interested in staying out of the glow of the spotlight rather than collect a big check.

A recent report from Fox News discusses Lindsey Lohan’s decision to turn down all of the New Year’s Eve offers (some rumored to be in the 6 figures) she received this year from clubs in an attempt to lay low and change her party girl image. Her decision may be a wise one since she is still on probation and probably wants to show the judge and jury that she’s on track despite. Lohan, who also just posed for a highly publicized spread in Playboy magazine, plans to ring in the new year quietly at home with the help of a few friends.

According to a recent report from the New York Post, Ashton Kutcher has also chosen to turn down some very lucrative New Year’s Eve gigs. Kutcher’s attempt to stay out of the spotlight may be considered quite a change from his tell-all Twitter lifestyle he has lived in the past. But after being publically accused of having an affair with a 22-year-old and the highly publicized separation from Demi Moore, it is not surprising that the Two and a Half Men star would rather stay in the shadows this New Year’s Eve.

But there is one celeb who will not let her recent public foibles (a multi-million dollar TV wedding extravaganza to Kris Humphries followed by a divorce just weeks later) deter her from raking in the cash this New Year’s Eve. Kim Kardashian is reportedly pulling in the most out of all the celebs with a hefty paycheck of $600,000 to make multiple appearances in Las Vegas this year.

Will turning down a New Year’s Eve party host offer help these celebs rehab their image?

Do you think Kim Kardashian should take note from celebs like Ashton Kutcher and Lindsey Lohan and stay out of the New Year’s Eve spotlight this year?

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sharman421 by sharman421 | TALLAHASSEE, FL
Jan 05, 2012

Kim who? :-)

bonbon2007 by bonbon2007 | La Crescenta, CA
Jan 01, 2012

Don't like Kim or Lindsy.....both need to learn more about life rather than just being spoiled women.

mariedmandi by mariedmandi | andover, KS
Dec 31, 2011

I've never seen the show and I'M tired of hearing about her! lol

Hullwatson by Hullwatson | Griffin, GA
Dec 30, 2011

I am so tired the Kardashians... I would prefer to see none of them.. Kim's head has gotten so big and she needs a dose of reality.. STAY at HOME,, no one likes you..!!!

ctmedz by ctmedz | NAUGATUCK, CT
Dec 30, 2011

I think for Kim the damage is done. I also dont think staying out of the spotlight is her thing...she loves the camera, the attention, and all the glamour she can suck up. Knowing this marriage was a mistake from the beginning, I would have much more respect for her if she cancelled the wedding instead of making such a mockery of not just her husband, but of herself. Just my opinion.

cocoabella by cocoabella | EL PASO, TX
Dec 30, 2011

Kim who ? lol

joya08 by joya08 | MUNDELEIN, IL
Dec 30, 2011

Stay home! so sick of them.

kjw5532 by kjw5532 | BROKEN ARROW, OK
Dec 30, 2011

Less is more....I am tired of the Kardashians!