Love it a very good brand hold well i bought at a shop professional told me about so i bought it and liked it
The hairspray you should be using I will say that when I do use hairspray, this is the one!
The best hairspray I love this hairspray - holds hair but you can still come through it and doesn't make your hair stiff.
My favorite go-to hairspray. Have short but big hair and it holds all day. Wouldn't recommend for those that want a blow in the wind hairstyle. Mine usually looks like after the jeep ride! lol
Sexy Hair Big Sexy Hair Hairspray is good for strong hold. I wouldn't use it every day though because it is drying. this is more for weekends and special occasions.
Holds all day This hairspray works well because it holds my style all day. Because it can get stiff, I brush it out each night before going to bed. That seems to help with reducing dryness in my hair.
It does what it says but dries my hair out a lot
Love it
Like how this hairspray performs, however I feel as though it my cause my hair to dry out in the root area after too much use. That is why I switch up my hairsprays quite often , but I do come back to this one quite frequently,
love this hair spray. it has always been my go to hair spray that holds my hair better than others. would recommend to anyone!
This is by far the best hairspray for that out on the town look. It is a little expensive but you dont need alot to achieve the hold you need so it last longer then other sprays.
I like this hairspray, but do not use it daily because it does feel like it dries out my hair. I use it when I am going out etc because it does hold my hair in place.
I love this stuff but I have only had a sample size bottle. It smells good and does not make my hair feel brittle. This product holds my hair nicely
this stuff dried my hair so much I was affraid it was going to break in half, my hair was very stiff and clumped
This hairspray is unbelievably sticky! It holds your hair securely for a little bit, but its is way to stiff to apply more than once during the day. Its also kind of expensive, which is a definite drawback for such a mediocre product. I would not buy this again.