Seemingly ordinary actions - like washing your laundry in lower temperatures, doing the dishes with concentrated products or changing a diaper that uses thinner materials – can be a surprising help to the world we share... allowing us all to reduce waste.
Did you know? Recycling one aluminum can saves enough energy to run your television for three hours! In celebration of Earth Day, join us for the #EverydayEffect Twitter Party! We’ll be giving out some fantastic prizes and chatting about small steps your family can take at home that can help the environment in a big way.
RSVP by commenting on this post with your Twitter handle (ex. @SheSpeaksUp).
The Party Details:
When: Thursday April 11 at 9pm ET
Where: Twitter - follow hashtag #EverydayEffect
Custom TweetGrid:
Party Hosts: @SheSpeaksUp
Party Sponsors: @ProcterGamble
Party Panelists: @Zipporahs, @StacieInAtlanta, @LisaSamples, @MommyBlogExpert, @WiCProject, @MommaDJane
Hashtag: #EverydayEffect
Prizes*: We’re giving out over $1,000 in prizes. You could win our grand prize, a Whirlpool High Efficiency Washing Machine!
To get started, click here to Tweet:
"Join me at the P&G #EverydayEffect Twitter Party w/ @SheSpeaksUp & @ProcterGamble 4/11 at 9pm ET!"
New to Twitter Parties?
No problem. Check out our TweetGrid 101 video and our Twitter Party tips and hints. Then get ready to jump into the conversation!
Be sure to RSVP for the party by commenting on this blog post.
*Prize winners must have RSVP-ed via comments below and be participating in the discussion to win. Open to United States residents only. One prize per winner. No purchase necessary. Twitter Party prize winners must complete a form with mailing details within 48 hours of the party. The form will be DMed if you win a prize.
RSVP @frugaliscious
RSVPing. Can't wait!!!
Pick me please!!
RSVP @mosingbel
@mrs_jahnke. Rsvp
Love it @ojos12mari
RSVP @graceabounds
RSVP @LorriJeanne
RSVP @tuss_smith