they were just ok
I like most drink mixes, but I was very disappointed with these. They taste too mediciney
The lemon/lime flavor is terrible!!! I have gotten use to the berry flavor, but it seems to have disappeared from the shelves. To make it taste better I've been adding Emergen-C orange flavor to it...and it is I'm getting a huge dose of my B vitamins. I cannot swallow pills; so this powder form has been great for me.....but it wasn't in Walgreens or Walmart or Food City last week. I need my vitamins.
I'm usually a very easy person to keep happy when it comes to drink mixes. Enable my water to not taste like water and I'm happy as lark. Unless of course you make my entire bottle of water taste like one huge vitamin. That is what One A Day Women's O2 has managed to do. Think of that questionable smell that rushes out of your vitamin bottle every morning. That smell is what this tastes like. Berry is usually a good disguising flavor but not even the mighty blackberry could overcome this obstacle. I also have the lemon lime but I'm afraid. I'm going to have to let my senses recover before I try that one. I guess the moral to this story is to go ahead and stick with taking your vitamins with water, not in it.