Love it I love this card game. It's fun for young kids to learn, and a bit older kids to play quickly. Enjoyable for a wide variety of ages playing together. Easy to bring with you. Can be played anywhere.
Fun for all ages and portable. It will help keep you sharp and teach the younger ones, colors, numbers, shapes and speed. It's like the old card game speed with a twist!
Santa gave this to my son. A great game to have around. Anyone can play and watch. Will bring camping, on vacation, airport, camp, pool . . . . . . . . .Bordem buster
This game is really addicting! (it also makes me get really competitive since it is such a fast game.)
Fast paced two player game. Fun for adults & kids. Helps reaction time & hand/eye coordination. Extremely fun & competitive. I enjoy playing this game with my kids (15 &11).