Always in my pantry! This is such a great product. I don't know who thought of it, but they get top honors in my book. I ALWAYS have a box or two in my house. It's perfect for so many uses especially when you need an extra barrier for sealing in liquids.
Press and Seal seals perfectly Using Press and Seal is a no brainer. Unlike plastic wrap that sticks together and is ruined, Press and Seal is perfect to wrap up leftovers. I use only glass containers and it sticks until I remove it.
Used it for painting I have used this wrap for masking fixtures for painting. It really worked well for me.
The Best!! Since I began using Press and Seal I won't use any other wrap. I know when I use Press and Seal it will always seal tight and doesn't come open untill I open it. All the others are a waste of money.
Love using Glad Press & Seal! I love Glad Press & Seal. Saran Wrap or Cling Wrap never sticks to anything. Press & Seal does exactly what it says and it stays in place! It so much easier to use and you can get cute prints at the holidays.
Love this wrap best wrap for bowls in the kitchen!!! I use this all the time when storing leftovers in the fridge or sending food home with guests!
Great for Avocados Love this product. Seals everything up so well. Especially good for avocados. Keeps them from turning brown.
wonderful product ! I use it daily to seal left over food. It keeps my food fresh.
Best Plastic Wrap! This is the best plastic wrap ever. I use it for everything. You can wrap a bowl full of liquid, turn the bowl upside down and the plastic wrap doesn't move. No leaking ever!
So many uses I really love Press n seal for its many uses it excels in the freezer protecting my food, and is great to cover just about anything else in the fridge. I use this also this a lot working around the house - like when taking a break from painting to wrap my brushes to keep them ready for me when I return
Press and seal.. that?s all you have to do! Press and seal saves me so much time! Especially for containers or pans that done have lids!
Is true to its word. I always buy this and never any other cling wrap.
It is thicker and sturdier than cling wrap. But it doesn't stick to all surfaces. I would recommend it.
Love it for freezing and it sticks to itself great! Sticks to the rim of bowls great but no the sides.
I don't know if I am just using it wrong or what but I have never been able to make this product work as advertised. It never clings to anything no matter how hard I press on it! SO FRUSTRATING!!