Great scent. I try not to use chemical fabric softeners. But this smells heavenly. Not too strong. I use it on bed sheets and pillowcases.
By far the best smelling softener out there! I absolutely adore the scent of this Downey!!! And any scent will do, they are all just as beautiful as the last! My clothes are always super soft and cuddly and smell amazing for weeks!! Nothing better in my book!
Love it Smells amazing and the smell lasts a while after being washed
I love this stuff it smells great and keeps smelling great long after you wash
Awesome I love the way this smells 7 days after washing. Wonderful product
I love downy. My laundry has never smelled so good. It stays on your clothes for days. I even use a little in a spray bottle diluted with water for an amazing air freshener and to spray on furniture as well.
Happy Laundry I love using this Downy fabric softener in my laundry. Mostly I use on shirts, sheets, and pajamas. I love the faint smell left on my clothes. It also has a nice scent to help you fall asleep if you wash your sheets with this. While this is my favorite scent there are several scents available. I have tried a couple and would recommend all of them.
I love the smell of this and I use it in every load. I would highly recommend
Downy for the WIN! I really like all the Downy softners and sheets but the Simple Pleasures is my favorite. The clothes come out so soft and the smell lingers for weeks. I really like to clean my sheets right before bedtime and use the Simple Pleasures on them. When I get into bed it makes me feel so good to have the fantastic smell all around me.
Soft to touch Love the smell of the entire line of these products and the best part of them is how soft they make everything feel!
love it This is one of my favorite fabric softeners, I love it! I love the smell and how soft my clothes feel
downy softener good product with long lasting scent and made my clothes really soft
Greatest Fragrance Ever I am a 51 yr old male. My Mom would use Downy sometimes, I like it but I wasn't too keen on it, UNTIL Downy came out with the Simple Pleasures Lavender and Vanilla. I fell in love with this aromatic , I don't know how to explain it, I have never forgotten this scent. PLEASE if any one can tell me where I could buy this AGAIN I would be more than Greatful, I would be Ecstatically Overjoyed. Signed "Hopelessly trapped in the pass" in Salem, Oregon
Great smelling Downy is one of my favorite softeners. All of their scents smell so good and it makes my clothes so soft. The prices are affordable too for the amount of loads you can do.
Just dreamy I love Downy, but this one is AMAZING! Softens and leaves an amazing scent. The scent lasts my bedding smells so great that lavender scent puts me right to sleep!