Very Impressed With Durability I bought this for my daughter when she was 2 years old. She is now 4 and the frame is still in perfect condition. The mattress has been replaced once but the bed itself is still perfect. I have recommended this to friends and family! Even the stickers is still on the frame. Usually they would fall off after a couple of months, but here we are about 2.5 years later and they aren't coming off.
I have two of these beds (Minnie Mouse Purple and Princess pink) for my girls ages 2 and 4. Perfect size for both. Good cheap option for an in between from crib to twin bed. Also able to save money additionally from reusing the crib mattress on this bed as it still fits. One of my girls loves rough housing and the bed will not withstand constant shaking and jumping so one of the joints has busted. It still stands even with the broken piece so I am not concerned it will break on her in the middle of the night. Also one of the beds is the older version with the bars under the crib mattress and the other is the newer version with the tarp under the mattress. I prefer the bars as it is more stable.
This is a cute bed for littles to use. Little K loves her bed!
This bed is very cheaply made in my opinion. The bed was exciting enough to get my little one to sleep in her own bed, but I didnt feel it was very sturdy. Fine for 2-4 age range, but wont last much past that.
I bought this bed for my daughter. She liked it and it was the perfect size for her. She's 6 now but she used it when she was 4-5.
We just got this bed from my sister for our two year old. She absolutely loves the bed and it has helped her be more comfortable in her own room. It is of decent quality and definitly has appeal for a little girl who loves Dora and the color pink!
My 4yr old daughter LOVES this bed!!
i bought this recently for my daughter..she is a toddler...she loves the bed as it is pink and has dora pictures in it....looks very comfortable to me too....
We bought this bed for our oldest daughter(now 6) when she was 19 months and she was absolutely THRILLED that she could sleep on something that had Dora's picture on it. I gotta admit the slates(or bars) to hold the bed where kinda difficult to put together and stay together,but once we got it it was great. It survived through 2 rowdy daughters so I would definately recommend this bed
My daughter loves this bed. It was really easy to put together. It's really sturdy and very cute!!!
We have this bed, but the princess style. My daughter adores this bed, its cut and somewhat easy to put together. This hard part about the princess style is that it has a canopy that took work. But i would recommend this bed. So cute!!