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Eco-Me Cleaning Products

Eco-Me Clea… Rating

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My Comments (41)

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Teen Chef Debuts in Beverly Hills Restaurant

on Feb 05, 2013: I'm looking forward to this show. I love seeing a positive show for teens, especially a boy that loves to cook.

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Win Delicious and Healthy SunRype Fruit Snacks!!

on Feb 05, 2013: Never had these. They all look tasty (just by packaging), but first choice would be fruit & grain bars casue I know my 6 kids would "terrorize" the box of fruit strips. But then again, maybe not such a bad idea....

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Repurpose, Recycle & Make Money from Unwanted Gifts

on Jan 16, 2013: I buy stuff on clearance after holidays to make amazing gifts throughout the year.. Ex. a white easter basket / green & white gingam trimmed w/ eyelet material (very cute) I had I just used for holding organic baby products, bottles, etc. for my daughter who is expecting he first cild, my grandson…