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My Reviews (2)

Dr. Seuss Oh, The Places You'll Go!

Dr. Seuss O… Rating

Your rating: 5.0

Tampax Pocket Pearl

Tampax Pock… Rating

Your rating: 4.0

My Comments (87)

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#SheCelebrates Holiday Blowout, Day #5! Win a Roomba Robot Vacuum

on Dec 16, 2022: The hardest room to keep clean is the kitchen!!

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#SheCelebrates Holiday Blowout, Day #1! Win a Keurig K-Cafe

on Dec 16, 2022: I'd like to have coffee with my Dad. He lives in Indiana and I live in TN and it just isn't possible to get the money up to go visit him for the holidays especially with four kiddos take sure they have a good Christmas.