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dark eye circles
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on Nov 02, 2011 (Read 54612 times | Comments: 46)
what is the best thing to do for dark eye circles are perminatly there, what is the best thing to do, it runs in my family and i look like a racoon, i also need to kno what is the best thing for making your eyes bigger as i have droppy eyes?

on Dec 30, 2013 Quote  »     Reply  »

If it's really bad, then you should invest in an eye cream specialized for dark circles. However, when I get dark circles due to lack of sleep, I just cover them up first with my foundation as I apply it over all of my face, then I cover them up with a concealer that won't irritate my eyes. I really hope that you find what you're looking for! Good luck!

on Aug 08, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

I too have a similar problem and I am beyond frustrated. I have gigantic bags under my eyes every single moment of my day and have for as long as I can remember. I have tried every product known to man and nothing has helped. I recently lost almost 90 pounds and I am starting to feel really good about myself except for my dang eyes! I avoid pictures because they stick out like a sore thumb. Im 43 and ready to be rid of the bags because I think it's only going to get worse :-(

on Aug 13, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

Eye mask! I like the one from Skyn Iceland a lot!! It feels so good in the morning when they're super puffy and dark!

on Aug 14, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

Pixi Correction Concentrate is amazing for under eye circles. It's peach toned which neutralizes the darkness and cheap at only $12 for a pot of it. A little goes a long way and it's been my "secret" to looking well rested.

on Aug 19, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

I've had these my entire life and used to think it was caused by anemia. The one and only thing that I have ever found that really helps is an eye mask. Mine has some kind of gel in it. I put it in the freezer. I guess that the dark circles are from blood actually leaking from capillaries and veins around the eye. Something about the ice cold mask makes the capillaries shrink and the dark circles don't appear so dark. You have to be extremely diligent with applying it. At first I did it several times a day. All and all the only way I have ever found to actually cover my dark circles somewhat is Pure Minerals makeup.

on Aug 19, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

Ive tried chilled slices of potatoes and for the price it served me pretty well. Chilled cucumbers work too but i think theres some things in potatoes that even bleach them a touch...im not sure but they worked pretty well for me. Of course keeping hydrated maybe a multi vitamin as well.

on Jan 07, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

I had the same eye bag issue & experimented until I found my fave remedies; 1) Lymph drainage; look for any video on YouTube. They show you how to press the under eye bags 5 times or so, to assist in drainage. There is a sweeping or tapping procedure to do. It takes only seconds to do...and helps a LOT. 2) I've also used multiple makeup steps; concealer and then a brightener - but found a quick cheap one step fix; Maybelline Instant Age Rewind Eraser Concealer. It comes in multiple colors but the universal "Brightener" color choice is a no-brainer greatest solution for most. It covers & brightens all at once. It has a hypogenic sponge tip for easy application.

on Feb 25, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

I also have this problem from time to time.Getting plenty of sleep is the key but who has time for that these days,especially if you have kids.I put a cucumber in the refrigerator and get it real cold and just cut slices about thirty minutes before bed time and put them on my eyes.Its refreshing and seems to help me.Also the cucumber. facial masks are good to tightin pore.I usually. just get the ones from Freds.I use a consealer during the day. Hope it helps.

on Aug 14, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

It is nice to see that I am not the only one who struggle to keep the dark circles under my eyes as light as possible. It has proven to be one of the toughest problems to overcome beauty wise. Unfortunately I have not been able to find any thing that truly fixes the problem

on Feb 05, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

If you can first understand two things, you can easily save your money and get rid of the dark circles and the puffiness. The first thing is that the skin under our eyes is the thinnest skin on our whole body. The second thing is, the root cause , meaning the top and foremost cause is blood circulation to the under eye area. If you will take your pointer finger and your middle finger together and pat under the eyes until they feel tingly, you will eventually get the circulation going well enough that the darkness will disappear. It works for me, after trying eveything else, I was so frustrated! I just know that pulling on the delicate skin causes wrinkles so I started patting, which is what is advised anyway and it felt so great that I found the circles gone! I recommend doing this just whenever you think about it. If you sleep flat the puffiness is caused from fluid build up so kinda sleep with your head propped if you can, Hope this helps and it is free! #amberangelsuniqueboutique
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