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My Reviews (3)

ZeroWater Water Filtration System

ZeroWater W… Rating

Your rating: 4.0

Steven Smith Teamaker

Steven Smit… Rating

Your rating: 5.0

My Comments (142)

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Summer Road Trip Essentials: Your Guide to Comfort & Adventure

on May 16, 2024: My most essential for any road trip is my camera and a book. I can't read in the car, but I can shoot out the windows. The book is for when we stop.

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Women's Insight Survey: What SheSpeaks Members Said

on May 02, 2024: I'm not sure why anyone would want to vote for a man who has taken away our rights, turned the White House into a Bazaar, and only thinks about himself. The other candidate has been working since the day he entered the White House to make life better for the other 98% of Americans

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Springtime Reads: 6 Books to Add to Your April TBR List

on Apr 18, 2024: House of Hollow sounds like a good book to read, as does The Midnight Library. I've read Sarah J Maas, all except the latest, and I love her works.